Hello, AI Interest Group Members,
If you are knowledgeable about Artificial Intelligence or have a deep interest or expertise in its relevance or impact to the library field, we have a few opportunities for you:
Become a Core Webinar Presenter
We're looking for a broad range of topics on AI and are looking for instructors/presenters to share their expertise.
Please reach out to me with your ideas on AI-related topics and the Core Technology Leadership team can mentor you in submitting your webinar proposal with Core. If you're interested or have questions, please contact me at berika.williams@tufts.edu
Become a Reviewer for a Potential AI Issue for ITAL Journal
Core's Information Technology and Library (ITAL) Journal is looking for peer reviewers for a potential upcoming issue focused on AI. If you're interested, please reach out to Ken Varnum at varnum@umich.edu
Thank you,
Core Technology Section Leadership Team
Berika Williams
Research and Instruction Librarian
Tufts University