Greetings all,
My consortium has an Ombudsman Committee to resolve disputes between members or between members and the consortium. It's never been invoked, but we'd prefer to have the process tidy just in case it does.
At the moment, we're taking a closer look at the membership of the group, and it has been suggested that we incorporate an external, neutral voice, such as a retired library director.
Questions for you all if you have a moment:
1. Does your consortium have an ombudsman committee or role?
2. If so, describe briefly.
3. If so, what is the membership of the group and do you have external members?
4. What type of consortium are you? Public/Academic/School/Special/Mixed, U.S./non-U.S.
Thanks in advance for your help! I'll send a summary after responses settle in case anyone else is interested.
All my best,
Stephen Spohn (He/Him/His), Executive Director - Ocean State Libraries
401.738.2200 x101 office - 978.799.1518 mobile -