Core Project Management Interest Group

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Purpose: A forum where those who are interested in the topic of project management or working in this area can come together to learn and share expertise; explores how libraries and library workers can develop PM skills and apply PM to their organizations.

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Notes from the Jan. 18th brown bag

  • 1.  Notes from the Jan. 18th brown bag

    Posted Jan 19, 2024 03:00 PM


      I'm sorry to say that we were not able to record the meeting, but here are a few notes from the discussion...


    • A call for proposals went out yesterday for the PM IG session for IG week. Our timeslot is at 2 pm CST on March 7th. The deadline for submission is Jan. 26th. Here's the form to fill out with your submission. Topics should relate to Project management - a tool you use and love, a project you've recently completed, a talk on how to structure projects, etc.
    • We are looking for our next co-chair. Normally, a person would join as co-chair in July, but Nicole will need to step down a bit early, so we're looking for a person to join me starting in April. Please let me know if you have an interest in a 2-year co-chairing position with the PM IG.
    • A bit more work has been done on the Project Management libguide. Feel free to check it out. If you're interested in helping make the libguide more robust, please contact me so I can get you access. 

    Questions and Responses:

    • How do I get started in learning how to do projects "right"?

      • Resources suggested included:
        • If you want certification, sign up for a bootcamp/course that is focused on PMP certification from Project Management Institute (PMI).

        • Google Project Management through Coursera

        • LinkedIn Learning esp

        • Chris Croft - Project Management - Chris Croft Training

        • HBR Guide to PM and HBR Project Management Handbook (I bought the latter as an audio book and have been listening)

        • eCornell and UMass bootcamps - kinda pricey

        • PM tools blog, such as Zenhub's blog

        • Udemy courses, such as
        • Joining PMI and looking at their resources
    • I work in a small academic library and there is no project management position.  How does one gain experience in the field? I work in the Access Services/Reserves department.  Would it be beneficial to take courses in project management?  The library is short-staffed but is slowly rebuilding, so there may be projects in the future.

      • Suggestions included joining committees at your institution that are project-based, letting your supervisor know of your interest, and recognizing a lot of the work you're doing already could likely be categorized as mini-projects.

    Please respond if you're interested in any of the opportunities under Announcements!

    Happy Friday!


    Kelly Sattler
    Co-chair of the Project Management Interest Group
    Project Manager for Library Strategic Initiatives
    Michigan State University Libraries