Core Library Consulting Interest Group

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last person joined: 7 days ago 

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Visit the ALA Core Library Consultants Directory to find consultants who can work with your library on a variety of topics and specialties. Consultants may add themselves and update entries at any time.

Also, please visit our Library Consulting FAQ for more information about becoming a library consultant.

Consultant Directory

Visit the ALA Core Library Consultants Directory - find consultants who can work with your library on a variety of topics and specialties. Consultants may add themselves and update entries at any time. 

About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Supports professional development by providing programs, information exchange, and networking opportunities of interest to independent librarians, library consultants, state library and regional library consultants, and anyone who wants to push the boundaries of librarianship.

This group is part of Core's Leadership & Management Section.


Portraits of three Core members with caption Become a Member: Find Your Home: Core.


  • 1.  Member Mtg This Friday | May 12 @ Noon (Central)

    Posted May 09, 2023 08:20 AM

    Join with other members of Core's Library Consulting Interest Group to discuss issues, ideas, and opportunities in the world of library consulting.
    We are thrilled to be introducing Curtis Rogers as our new Chair at this meeting!

    Use the link below to attend the meeting. Meetings are recorded and posted in our library space.

    Join VIA  Zoom

    If you have questions or suggestions for discussion topics, you are welcome to contact Val Edwards, Chair at

    Val Edwards
    LMTS Teacher Leader
    Madison Metropolitan School District

  • 2.  RE: Member Mtg This Friday | May 12 @ Noon (Central)

    Posted May 09, 2023 09:44 AM
    Thanks for the introduction and announcement! I look forward to working as chair of the group in the coming year :-)

    See you on Friday!


    Dr. Curtis Rogers
    803.318.7292 (cell/text)

  • 3.  RE: Member Mtg This Friday | May 12 @ Noon (Central)

    Posted May 09, 2023 03:13 PM

    Thank you, Curtis, for assuming the chair role for the coming year! I look forward to working with you as we move forward.  See you Friday.



    Laura Rose Taylor (she/her)

    Assistant Dean, Cline Library

    (928) 523-6189


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