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Purpose: This group is a space for the Core Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) to post documents publicly and have public discussions that are open to anyone.

This group is part of our Metadata & Collections Section.
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LC Program Specialist (Indigenous Peoples)

  • 1.  LC Program Specialist (Indigenous Peoples)

    Posted Jun 04, 2024 07:37 AM

    Posting on behalf of Judith Cannan:

    I am excited to announce the appointment of Sarah R. Kostelecky as the new Program Specialist (Indigenous Peoples).  This special position is a three-year not-to-exceed position that allows Sarah to telework remotely, with focused onsite visits during the appointment.  She brings a wealth of experience from the University of New Mexico where she holds the position of Associate Professor, Director of Digital Initiatives & Scholarly CommunicationStrongly committed to the interests of indigenous peoples, she has a deep understanding and respectfulness of their sovereignty and rights. 

    These skills and experience with indigenous communities will be critical to Sarah's success in filling this unique position for the Library.  She is a member of the Pueblo Community, Zuni Tribe. She is actively involved with tribal affairs around the U.S., with many tribal connections. She has published numerous articles and made many presentations relating to indigenous peoples, including at ATALM (Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums).  She is a member of the American Library Association, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Association of College and Research Libraries, and the New Mexico Library Association. She is in an excellent position to assist the Library in building relationships with tribal nations and in advising on how to proceed with changing subject headings for indigenous peoples to be reflective of community preferences. 

    Sarah has an MLS degree and has been working in the profession for more than twenty years. Her appointment is effective June 2nd.


    Judith Proctor Cannan

    Chief, Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division

    Library of Congress, LA-305

    101 Independence Ave., SE,  Washington, DC  20540

    Email:  Fax:  (202) 707-0810

    Work:  (202) 707-2031  Mobile:  (202) 740-4242

    Amanda Ros
    Coordinator of Adaptive Cataloging & Resource Management
    Texas A&M University