Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Organizes, moderates, and distributes summaries of virtual and face-to-face discussions on topics of interest to leaders and managers at all levels and types of libraries.

This interest group is part of Core's Leadership and Management Section.

Portraits of three Core members with caption Become a Member: Find Your Home: Core.


  • 1.  Institutional Communication - Tips and Tricks

    Posted Jan 09, 2023 10:10 AM
    How do you share information about your library program to others in your institution?  If an academic library, what tools are at your disposal to communicate with non-library employees across campus?  If a public library, how do you communicate to your governing board or municipal funding agents?  As a school librarian, how do you communicate programming to teachers and school administrators?

    Use the reply function to share your tips and tricks to others!

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of the Paul Meek Library
    University of Tennessee at Martin

  • 2.  RE: Institutional Communication - Tips and Tricks

    Posted Jan 11, 2023 12:37 PM

    At my university, there are several communications channels we can use to reach faculty and staff.  We've developed a checklist process to guide our messaging to these outlets.  These include:

     - A campus-wide e-mail distribution list. It is a moderated list, but there usually isn't too much lag time.
    - A weekly campus e-newsletter.
    - Our campus events platform (Runway).
    - Television monitors and other screens with rotating graphical images.
    - Posters and flyers.
    - Social media.

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of the Paul Meek Library
    University of Tennessee at Martin

  • 3.  RE: Institutional Communication - Tips and Tricks

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 02:00 PM
    Word of mouth is a powerful tool, but sometimes we need other entities to help amplify our message.

    I have often asked another department or one of my peers to re-post or forward a message within their department or circle of contacts on campus. 

    While many people find my communications valuable (and why wouldn't they? 😐), receiving the same message from a trusted source can increase its impact.

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of the Paul Meek Library
    University of Tennessee at Martin

  • 4.  RE: Institutional Communication - Tips and Tricks

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 02:44 PM
    On the topic of getting messages out to campus constituencies from an academic library, it seems to be helpful to build relationships with the right people. Make connections with communications staff, with departmental administrators, with leaders of student groups -- anyone who is likely to hold the keys to the listserv.

    Relationships can also get library people invited to speak to the meetings of academic departments, which can be great opportunities to share information (both from and to the library).


    Miranda Bennett
    Director of Shared Collections
    California Digital Library