Core Copy Cataloging Interest Group

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Purpose: Discusses informally common problems concerning copy cataloging, including discussions on quality control of copy cataloging units, workflows in copy cataloging, copy cataloging of all kinds of materials (monographs, serials, audiovisuals, etc.), staffing needs in copy cataloging, training of copy cataloging, effects of changes in cataloging standards, and technology on copy cataloging.

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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IG week 2023 Forum recording and slides

  • 1.  IG week 2023 Forum recording and slides

    Posted Mar 17, 2023 02:13 PM

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    Theme: Copy Cataloging before, during and after an ILS migration

    Waving goodbye to the 'boat': copy cataloging after migration from Voyager to Alma
    Presenter: Dan Tam Do, University of Pittsburgh, University Library System

    In August 2019, the University of Pittsburgh's Barco Law Library, Health Sciences Library System, and University Library System began the process of migrating from the integrated library system Voyager to another Ex Libris product, Alma, with an implementation date set for July 2020. At Pitt, copy cataloging is a major component of the work that is done to make library resources discoverable. This presentation would describe actions taken by major stakeholders to prepare for changes to how this work would be done. These actions include establishing an internal working group for discussing the Alma Resource Management functional area, preparing training materials and providing training sessions, and making systems configurations prior to implementation. The presentation would then describe differences between Voyager's cataloging module and Alma's Metadata Editor that are especially relevant to a copy cataloger. Finally, it would examine how the Metadata Editor's functions and features have combined with local needs and configuration decisions to inform copy cataloging procedures in Alma. These are the experiences of one library system, with its own cataloging history and data needs, but by providing some general considerations in summary of the above, my hope is that hearing about them will be informative for those who perform a significant amount of copy cataloging in any library for which migration is on the horizon.

    Slides attached


    Cataloging and ILS Migrations: How to be adaptable and inclusive at a consortia level
    Presenter: Jennifer M. Eustis, UMass Amherst, Metadata Unit

    On June 24, 2022, the Five College Consortium (5C) migrated from Ex Libris Aleph to the open source library service platform the Futures of Libraries is Open or FOLIO. The 5C consists of Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, and UMass Amherst all in Western Massachusetts Amherst, Holyoke, and Northampton areas. For the 5C, this migration took almost 4 years. That time was spent on carrying out an implementation strategy and spearheading multiple cleanup projects. Post migration, work continues to evolve as FOLIO develops more features and becomes more mature. This is especially true in terms of how we catalog and manage our metadata in FOLIO not only for our individual institutions but also for the 5C as a whole. In this presentation, I'd like to cover why the 5C decided to migrate to FOLIO, what steps were taken for our migration, what is happening post migration, and some lessons learned, all through the lens of cataloging and metadata. 

    Learning Outcomes

    1. Attendees will learn how the 5C prepared for the migration to FOLIO.
    2. Attendees will learn how workflows were changed and are evolving.
    3. Attendees will learn how we've implemented new ways of working on our documentation that includes all staff from the Metadata and Acquisitions units in a way that strives to be open, inclusive, and adaptable.



    Migration tales from a small consortium   
    Presenters: Euemduan C. Osmera, Metadata Librarian, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha; Angela Kroeger, Metadata Coordinator, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Keelan Weber, Head of Cataloging and Resources Management, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Law

    According to Oracle's white paper, Successful Data Migration, October 2011, up to 75% of new systems fail to meet expectations. That is quite a high number, and our small consortium felt this was true after we migrated to Ex Libris Alma/Primo VE in 2020! We often see librarians on Alma listservs asking for best practices, tips and tricks to manage data, or what metadata challenges to be aware of before migration. After working in our new system for two and a half years, we have insights based on our failures and successes. In this presentation, we will share warnings and common migration errors so you will not be part of the 75% dissatisfied customers. Be aware and not scared!   

    Background: We are a consortium of four institutions in Omaha, Lincoln, and Kearney, Nebraska, including a medical and a law library. We migrated to Ex Libris Alma/Primo VE on December 22, 2020, from Innovative Sierra and WMS. We were in silos. We managed our data separately for decades, and now our records are together. It has been a challenge, but we are better together.

    Slides attached.

    Dean Bergstrom
    Manager, Monographic Ordering and Copy Cataloging
    Yale University Libraries
