Core Duplicates Exchange Union

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  • 1.  Free loose issues

    Posted Jun 21, 2022 05:34 PM

    The following titles are available for claim until July 5, 2022. These issues are not for resale. We will send out emails for confirmation after claims. Claim party must send prepaid labels from UPS (call slips) within a week after confirmation.

    Western Railroader - We have one-half carton of loose issues, 1952-1977 (arranged in chron. order), plus a few special issues.

    Chinese Recorder & Missionary Journal - We have one and a half cartons of loose issues, circa 1896-1915.

    Thank you,


    Dave Power 

    Library Technical Assistant II 

    Periodical Processing - CTS 

    San Francisco Public Library 

    190 9th Street

    San Francisco, CA 94103   
