CORE storage interest group list serv participants,
Good morning,
My name is Cathy Martyniak and I am the newish leader of this IG. I have been a member of this group since 2010 when it was called the LLAMA storage discussion group and met in person twice a year, at ALA Midwinter and ALA Annual. For many years, all the storage folks who went to ALA in person knew to attend the Sunday afternoon at 3 pm (Or was it 4?) meetings of the DG. We had a solid team of regular attendees and usually a few local folks in the mix who had some really informative conversations. Some of us were high level administrators who managed storage facilities while others were focused more on daily operations . We also had vendors attend. I really enjoyed those meetings and made many friends there.
Now, with Midwinter transitioned to
LibLearnX (and I understand that no IGs take place there) and COVID preventing us meeting for Annual for a few years, things feel a lot different. I am doing a bit of soul searching about the current IG and how best to make it work for us, particularly about how to use technology, such as this list serv, to keep us going as a group. I am also thinking a lot about the Annual meeting for 2023 in Chicago, June 22-27. Specifically, I wonder how many of us will be there in person. I plan to be there and will get us a room, Sunday afternoon if that time still works for folks. If not, we can certainly discuss shifting it.
So, my questions to you are:
1. Do you plan to attend the ALA Annual 2023 meeting in Chicago in person?
2. If you will be there, would you attend the CORE Storage interest group, possibly Sunday afternoon?
3. Do you have any suggestions about how to keep the group engaged between meetings?
There is also the which will take place in Salt Lake City October 13-15. I do not know much about that event. Has anyone been?
Looking forward to sparking a bit of a discussion. Please let us know what you think.
Cathy Martyniak
Chief, Collections Management Division
Library of Congress
Cathy Martyniak
Chief, Collections Management Division
Library of Congress