Core Linked Data Interest Group

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About this Group

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Purpose: Provides a forum for discussion of issues related to Linked Library Data and the role of library metadata in the Semantic web. Goals include: raising awareness of Semantic Web technologies, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the use of URIs as identifiers within bibliographic descriptions; promoting research on linked data challenges, such as domain modeling and vocabulary selection and design; and informing the ongoing development of existing metadata standards for Libraries, Archives and Cultural Heritage Institutions.

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This group is part of Core's Technology Section.

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Core Linked Data Interest Group Meeting, March 7th at 11:00am CT

  • 1.  Core Linked Data Interest Group Meeting, March 7th at 11:00am CT

    Posted Feb 24, 2023 12:56 PM

    The Core Linked Data Interest Group is pleased to host two presentations during Core Interest Group Week. LDIG will meet on Tuesday, March 7th at 11:00am CT.

    The session is free but registration is required. Please register at:

    Finding our LODestone: evaluating Linked Open Data for Qualitative Research

    The Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (SDBM) stores observations of premodern manuscripts drawn from over 14,000 catalogs and inventories from around the world as linked open data. This presentation reflects on a six-month experiment in querying and analyzing this data to map classical reception from the thirteenth century to the present. Using this project as a case study, I evaluate the suitability of the SDBM as a dataset: what is this data most suitable for? What would it take to prepare this data for a large-scale research project? From there, the scope turns outward, forging new paths toward using library Linked Open Data as a basis for humanities inquiry.

    Presenter: Kate Topham, Michigan State University

    JCricket editor for Share-VDE and beyond: entity management, connection with third parties and cross-domain extensions

    Share-VDE enables institutions to embrace the advantages of linked open data. The Cluster Knowledge Base (CKB) of entities is the result of the entity resolution/clustering processes with data coming from different participating libraries with enrichment of external sources. JCricket is the Linked Data Entity editor developed by the Share-VDE community, a tool designed as an entity management system dedicated to curating data/entities living in the CKB, produced by automated processes. The entity editor JCricket opens new forms of cooperation among institutions: the CKB is conceived as an authoritative source with links to other external sources, to increase quality and richness of data and to make the entity management process sustainable. The Share-VDE community is working to create technical and functional links with third parties, such as FOLIO community and Wikidata. Extending JCricket capabilities to cross-domain contexts will allow libraries to enrich their data while participating in the larger Wiki community.

    Presenter: Andrea Gazzarini

    We hope you'll join us! 

    Kevin, Becky, Jeff, Nicole

    LDIG Co-Chairs

    Nicole Lewis
    Digital Metadata Librarian
    Brigham Young University