We've had a significant amount of experience with both renovations and new construction for offsite facilities, and there is certainly much to consider when determining how to move forward. We would be happy to participate in any discussions or provide information on this topic if we can add any value.
Thank you.
Manager of Major Projects, Pre-Sale
Spacesaver Storage Systems, Inc. | Spacesaver Corporation
Manager of Major Projects, Pre-Sale | Spacesaver Storage Systems, Inc. | Spacesaver Corporation
O: 920.563.0562 | C: 920.723.2014| F: 920.563.0755
gsayre@spacesaver.com | spacesaver.com
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 26, 2024 08:37 AM
From: Beth Doyle
Subject: CORE interest group week: Storage topic brain storming
I would love to hear from libraries who have retrofitted existing buildings to use for library storage rather than building new high-density facilities. I'm particularly interested in hearing from people who successfully have done that, and who have considered it but decided, for whatever reasons, it was not the way to go. High density storage facilities are expensive to build, and I think several organizations are looking for alternatives when they run out of shelf space. Adding a vendor for this type of storage might also be interesting.
Beth Doyle
Head, Conservation Services Dept. | Preservation Officer
Duke University Libraries
Original Message:
Sent: 11/25/2024 1:01:00 PM
From: Cathy Martyniak
Subject: CORE interest group week: Storage topic brain storming
Storage folks,
Good afternoon from Cathy Martyniak (LC) and Amy Boucher (Harvard), co-chairs of the ALA CORE Library storage interest group. We are sending out this email asking folks to let us know what topics might be good to hear about virtually this March during CORE interest group week.
We have some ideas to get the conversation rolling:
- Care and handling of boxed, archival and oddly shaped materials during transportation, shelving and storage
- Storage in the age of declining print acquisitions
- What idea do you have?
Cathy and Amy
Cathy Martyniak
Chief, Collections Management Division
Library of Congress
Direct: 202-707-1410
Cell: 202-597-4684