Core Metadata Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides a broad framework for information exchange on current research developments, tools, and activities affecting networked information resources and metadata; coordinates and actively participates in the development and review of standards concerning networked resources and metadata in conjunction with the divisions' committees and sections, other units within ALA, and relevant outside agencies; and develops programs and fosters and sponsors education and training opportunities that contribute to and enhance an understanding of networked resources and metadata, their identity, content, technology, access, control, and use; and plans and monitors activities using Core's strategic and tactical plan as a framework.

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This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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Core IG Week Metadata Interest Group session: Session recording and slides

  • 1.  Core IG Week Metadata Interest Group session: Session recording and slides

    Posted Mar 14, 2023 06:27 PM

    Please find below the recording from last week's Metadata Interest Group Core IG Week program on inclusive metadata. The presentation slides are attached to this message.

    Session recording:

    There was one unanswered question for our first presenters, Katie Dunn and Samantha Garlock, at the end of the session. They have generously provided an answer to this question, as well as additional information on creating a normalization rule to add a harmful language statement in Primo VE. All of this information is below, and the attachments they mention are included.

    Core asks that you please fill out this short survey about Interest Group Week. You can view links to all the recordings from last week on the Interest Group Week page.


    Question: Can you give an example of harmful content or what a harmful content statement might be applied to?

    Answer: Some examples of harmful content (as distinguished from harmful description) might be a digitized collection of yearbooks with including photos of students in blackface, a book with antisemitic viewpoints, or an archival collection of plantation records describing enslaved people. Statements specific to harmful content are often applied to archival or digital collections – example:

    Examples of harmful description could be outdated or offensive subject headings, a summary field that echoes offensive language or viewpoints found in the resource itself, or a record that uses a non-preferred name for a transgender author.  Here's an example of a record from our catalog with a summary taken from the book jacket that misgendered the subject of the book, a transgender man, and describes his life in a sensationalist way. (The attached screenshot shows what the record looked like before being updated). The summary was updated in OCLC and in our catalog and the current record can be viewed here:


    Primo Normalization Rules for harmful language statement 

    Elisa Naquin
    LSU Libraries