Core Library Consulting Interest Group

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Visit the ALA Core Library Consultants Directory to find consultants who can work with your library on a variety of topics and specialties. Consultants may add themselves and update entries at any time.

Also, please visit our Library Consulting FAQ for more information about becoming a library consultant.

Consultant Directory

Visit the ALA Core Library Consultants Directory - find consultants who can work with your library on a variety of topics and specialties. Consultants may add themselves and update entries at any time. 

About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Supports professional development by providing programs, information exchange, and networking opportunities of interest to independent librarians, library consultants, state library and regional library consultants, and anyone who wants to push the boundaries of librarianship.

This group is part of Core's Leadership & Management Section.


Portraits of three Core members with caption Become a Member: Find Your Home: Core.


  • 1.  consulting directory websites

    Posted Oct 06, 2022 03:12 PM
    Hi everyone,

    Today I joined the Consultants for Libraries site thinking it was a rebuild of another site I remembered. Then I did a search and found the other site called Library Consultants directory is still there and appears to be completely different and costs a lot more than the one I joined. 

    Does anyone have any opinions on either? I'll probably just stick with the one I joined today instead of being listed in both.



    Curtis Rogers
    Curtis Rogers Consulting, LLC

  • 2.  RE: consulting directory websites

    Posted Oct 06, 2022 04:10 PM
    Hi Curtis!
    I'm the founder of Consultants for Libraries (and a consultant myself). The site just launched about a month ago and focuses on consultants and firms working with libraries, museums, and archives. Beyond being a directory and a platform for consultants to share content, we are committed to creating a supportive community of consultants. Listed consultants get access to a discussion forum and consultant-only events (we held our first consultant event on crafting clearer elevator pitches last week). We will also be hosting events for the library, museum, and archive community - most of these events will feature our listed consultants sharing their expertise and strategies.

    I'm sure there are many folks on this list who can speak to the benefits and features of joining the Library Consultants Directory - I hope they will also share their insights.

    Given the differences you noted, I imagine many consultants would benefit from joining both Consultants for Libraries and the Library Consultants Directory!


    Jami Yazdani, MLIS
    Chief Consultant, Yazdani Consulting and Facilitation
    Community Founder, Consultants for Libraries

  • 3.  RE: consulting directory websites

    Posted Oct 06, 2022 08:04 PM
    I’m really enjoying the site! I’m sure many more consultants will be joining :-)

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 4.  RE: consulting directory websites

    Posted Oct 09, 2022 06:50 PM
    Hi Curtis and Jami!

    Indeed - there are several spots on the web where libraries and consultants can connect! Another, I think, is the Library Yellow Pages from Strategic Library and there are a few specialty-targeted sites available. 

    Jami, the site you just launched looks great! I especially love the efforts toward building community among your members. That's an excellent service, and a good idea for anyone but especially helpful, I think, for folks just starting out. I'm sure you'll be growing the site into some really exciting places!  When I was chair of the ALA ASCLA Library Consultant's Interest Group (the predecessor to this ALA group -- and ooh I'm feeling old now :0) helping make those connections was a priority.

    My office is the caretaker for the Library Consultant's Directory. The founders of the site passed it on to me (here's the brief story) and I was finally able to give it a structure change and facelift this year.  As well as providing a listing of members, the Library Consultant's Directory collects and distributes RFPs RFIs, and other work opportunities to members. Members are required to list three projects to show their consulting experience to prospective clients. 

    When I first took the site on (a few years before COVID) I waived all the listing fees and surveyed the membership to make improvements to the site. The work Denise and Robert did was outstanding when it was created, but over time some limitations emerged. We were finally able to hire a good web developer to get some of those done, and if I get my act together I will get bills out to current members before the end of the year. I view the site as a service to our communities and not a for-profit enterprise.  With the weekly work my assistant gives to searching and posting RFPs/etc, site maintenance, member support, the re-design, and modest hosting fees I have happily underwritten all expenses for a number of years now, but with the web development bills, it's time for a little cost recovery. During COVID, of course,  I decided to continue to waive fees for members -- it was tough enough for folks, especially during the first uncertain year of the pandemic.

    Carson Block
    Carson Block Consulting Inc.