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CC:DA Task Force to Review ISBD for Manifestation - report available

  • 1.  CC:DA Task Force to Review ISBD for Manifestation - report available

    Posted 5 days ago


    The CC:DA meeting on Saturday June 29 concludes with this topic: 

    IFLA ISBD for Manifestation Review Task Force

    The Task Force has prepared an 11-page report for discussion and CC:DA approval. It is now available on the ALA Institutional Repository: 
    (To download the document, once you get to that landing page, click on the link under "Files" in the left-hand column.)

    The Task Force looks forward to hearing your thoughts on our report.

    See you soon,

    Chair, CC:DA Task Force to Review ISBD for Manifestation

    Kathy Glennan
    Director, Cataloging & Metadata Services
    University of Maryland Libraries