Core Metadata Interest Group

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About this Group

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Purpose: Provides a broad framework for information exchange on current research developments, tools, and activities affecting networked information resources and metadata; coordinates and actively participates in the development and review of standards concerning networked resources and metadata in conjunction with the divisions' committees and sections, other units within ALA, and relevant outside agencies; and develops programs and fosters and sponsors education and training opportunities that contribute to and enhance an understanding of networked resources and metadata, their identity, content, technology, access, control, and use; and plans and monitors activities using Core's strategic and tactical plan as a framework.

Related Groups:

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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CC:DA agenda and Zoom links

  • 1.  CC:DA agenda and Zoom links

    Posted Jul 14, 2023 10:58 AM

    Dear MIG members,

    I'm forwarding the agenda and Zoom registration links for the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access meeting being held later this afternoon (Fri. 14 July) and next Fri. 21 July.  Note that in my earlier "save the date" post, I indicated the time incorrectly -- today's meeting (14 July) is 2-5PM Eastern, and 21 July is from 1PM-4PM Eastern. 

    Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access
    2023 Summer Virtual Meeting
    Draft Agenda

    Friday, July 14 2:00 pm-5:00 pm EDT / 1:00 pm-4:00 pm CDT / 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm MDT /
    11:00 am-2:00 pm PDT

    Zoom link:
    You will need to register before attending

    (Agenda times in CDT, please adjust as necessary for your time zone)

    Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 5 min.)
    Meeting logistics: Guajardo (1:05, 5 min.)
    Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:10, 10 min.)
    Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:20, 5 min.)
    Approval of minutes: of meeting held at 2023 Winter Meeting: Chair (1:25, 5 min.)
    Report from the Chair (1:30, 10 min.)
    Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Guajardo (1:40, 10 min.)
    Report of the MAC Representative: Myers (1:50, 20 min.)
    Break (2:10, 10 min.)
    Discussion of Procedures Task Force (2:20, 30 min.)
                CC:DA Procedures (New 2023-07 draft)
                CC:DA Procedures (Old 2020 Version, from files)
                CC:DA Liaison Policy (New 2023-07 draft)
                CC:DA_Liaison Policy (Old 2005 version from website)
                Building International Descriptive Cataloging Standards (New 2023-07 draft)
                Building International Descriptive Cataloging Standards (Old 2012 version from website)

    Discussion of Music Library Association RDA papers (2:50, 45 min.)

    Friday, July 21, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT / 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT / 11:00 am - 2:00 pm MDT / 
    10:00 am-1:00 pm PDT

    Zoom link:
    You will need to register before attending

    (Agenda times in CDT, please adjust as necessary for your time zone)

    Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (12:00, 5 min)
    Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (12:05, 10 min.)
    Report from the PCC Representative: Moody (12:15, 15 min.)
    Report from the NARDAC Representatives: Maxwell and Schiff (12:30, 15 min.)
    Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Polutta (12:45, 20 min.)
    Break (1:05, 10 minutes)
    Work and plans for CC:DA: Chair (1:15, 30 min.)
              Discussion of Personal Name Task Force
    Continuation of any discussion from the previous meeting (1:45, up to 30 min.)
    New business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (2:15, 10 min.)


    Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him)
    Metadata Librarian, Columbia University
    CORE Metadata Interest Group Liaison to CC:DA