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Call for task force members to prepare the CC:DA response to RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1

  • 1.  Call for task force members to prepare the CC:DA response to RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1

    Posted Jul 02, 2024 09:20 AM

    At the July 1 CC:DA meeting, the committee approved the creation of a task force to prepare the official CC:DA response to the RSC proposal on extent (RSC/ExtentWG/2024/1/rev). Their report will be due to CC:DA for a vote no later than September 15. 

    This is an official call for expressions of interest in serving on this short-term task force. Task force participants do not need to be CC:DA members.

    Please let me know if you would like to serve by COB on July 8. I would like to give this group as much time as possible to complete their work. 

    Thanks in advance,


    Kathy Glennan
    CC:DA Chair
    Director, Cataloging & Metadata Services
    University of Maryland Libraries