Core Metadata Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides a broad framework for information exchange on current research developments, tools, and activities affecting networked information resources and metadata; coordinates and actively participates in the development and review of standards concerning networked resources and metadata in conjunction with the divisions' committees and sections, other units within ALA, and relevant outside agencies; and develops programs and fosters and sponsors education and training opportunities that contribute to and enhance an understanding of networked resources and metadata, their identity, content, technology, access, control, and use; and plans and monitors activities using Core's strategic and tactical plan as a framework.

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This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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Call for review and comment/expert participation: NISO Recommended Practice -- Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project

  • 1.  Call for review and comment/expert participation: NISO Recommended Practice -- Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project

    Posted Sep 13, 2022 10:01 AM

    The following proposal is being circulated for review and comment. Expert participation is also being sought to participate on the working group (if the project is approved). 

    NISO Recommended Practice to optimize collaborative collections lifecycle activities

    This proposal (supported by the IMLS National Leadership Grant) has been submitted by Lehigh University Libraries and PALCI on behalf of the "Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Infrastructure Project."


    Networks of libraries have a long tradition of working together to expand their resources and provide more comprehensive coverage across all subjects through sharing of resources. More recently, larger networks of institutions (e.g., 2CUL initiative, Big Ten Academic Alliance, Center for Research Libraries, Ivies Plus Confederation) have explored wider adoption of cooperative collections management, which this project defines as a process by which networks of institutions work collaboratively to acquire, manage, circulate, and preserve collections across the network. This exploration may include shared infrastructure for patron discovery, fulfillment, analytics, and models for collaboration and organizational decision making.

    The Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP) seeks to overcome serious barriers to wider implementations, several of which have been observed, including the lack of available vendor-neutral interoperable systems, adequate governance and decision-making frameworks, and assessment tools. This work item, proposing a specific infrastructure project, "CCLIP," particularly addresses the lack of data exchange standards, applicable to the development of a new research library ecosystem where networks of institutions and experts can collaborate across systems to more effectively serve their just-in-case and just-in-time patrons' needs, while avoiding duplication of effort in their acquisitions and deployment of resources.

    The NISO CCLIP Working Group will develop a NISO Recommended Practice that will support the flow of data about distinct library collections. The Recommended Practice will document exchange protocols that will describe gathering, normalizing, and exchanging holdings information, contractual information, retention obligations, and usage data.

    Please let me know if you are interested in reviewing the document to provide comment. Expert nominations are also sought to participate on the proposed working group. A full copy of the document is available upon request.

    Feedback is requested by Friday. October 7, 2022.

    Catherine Smith
    Coordinator of Metadata
    University of Alabama