As anticipated at the PCC Virtual Participants meeting on February 15, the Program for Cooperative Cataloging is launching a new Entity Management Cooperative (EMCO) program in 2025.
EMCO is designed to function in parallel with the NACO and SACO programs. There are many more entities in our bibliographic data than are currently receiving entries in the LCNAF. Identifiers are vital to support discovery in linked data environments and the PCC envisions EMCO as being an alternative for creating and maintaining entity identifiers in a linked data environment.
All individuals are invited to participate in the EMCO Early Adopters Phase, regardless of their institutional affiliation with the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). If you would like to be a part of EMCO at this "Early Adopters" phase, particularly if you previously participated in the PCC's ISNI or Wikidata pilots, we invite you to let us know by filling out a brief form at by Friday, January 17, 2025.
If you have questions not covered in the EMCO Wiki, please let us know.
Crystal Yragui
Co-Chair, IMAC
Metadata Librarian; Interim Co-Head, Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit
University of Washington Libraries