Core Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group

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About this Group

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Purpose: Discusses the current state of education and employment in cataloging and explores the relationship of cataloging practitioners and employers with library educators.

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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Call for Discussion Topic Proposals for Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging IG at ALA Annual 2024 - deadline extended

  • 1.  Call for Discussion Topic Proposals for Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging IG at ALA Annual 2024 - deadline extended

    Posted May 21, 2024 06:23 AM

    **Please excuse cross postings. Feel free to reshare on other relevant lists**

    The Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group seeks facilitators for face-to-face roundtable discussions for its meeting at the 2024 ALA Annual Conference, taking place on Sunday, June 30, from 9-10am at the Marriott Marquis-Pacific Ballroom Sections 14-17.

    If interested in participating as a discussion facilitator, please submit a proposal that includes:
       *   The topic you wish to explore. Topics should relate to the competencies and education for a career in cataloging (the current state of education and employment in cataloging, training and cross-training, use of competencies in job descriptions, the relationship of cataloging practitioners and employers with library educators, etc.) in all types of libraries
      *   An abstract explaining the topic and its importance
      *   Three sample discussion questions

    Roundtable discussions are small, informal group discussions intended to give participants the opportunity to network, discuss best practices, and share information. Discussion facilitators are responsible for identifying and developing a topic, creating discussion questions, facilitating a discussion and sharing back to the larger group. If similar proposals are submitted and accepted, facilitators may be asked to co-facilitate.
    Housed within the Core division of ALA and part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section, the Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group  was created to provide a forum to discuss the current state of education and employment in cataloging and explore the relationship of cataloging practitioners and employers with library educators.

    Please submit your proposal by May 31, 2024 using the link below . You will be notified of acceptance by June 7, 2024. 

    We look forward to hearing from you!
    Marina Morgan and Sofia Slutskaya, IG Co-Chairs

    Sofia Slutskaya
    Head, Resource Description
    Emory University Library