Hi there,
ORDAC (Oceania RDA Committee) has issued an RDA change proposal which seeks to better accommodate practices for dual-language naming of corporate bodies and places: http://rda-rsc.org/sites/all/files/RSC_ORDAC_2024-1.pdf As an example, this proposal would seek to add options to the instructions for Preferred name of corporate body and Preferred name of place which would permit catalogers to record something like Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa as a preferred name, rather than splitting that string up into a preferred name (like Museum of New Zealand) and a language variant name (like Te Papa Tongarewa).
Please send me your comments by March 13, and I can compile them and share them with CC:DA and NARDAC for review.
Timothy Ryan Mendenhall (he/him)
Metadata Librarian, Columbia University
CORE Metadata Interest Group Liaison to CC:DA