Hi. I recommend the NACO training modules in the Catalogers' Learning Workshop at LC (https://www.loc.gov/catworkshop/courses/naco-RDA/index.html) While it is geared toward teacdhing a person how to create and update authority reords for the LC/NACO Authority File, Module 1 in psrticular gives a usefaul rationale for authoiry control. and some core principles. To get information on recent developments and movements toward what is being called "entity management," be on the lookout for slides from the Feburary 15 PCC Participants' meeting, which inclueded a presentation on the Entity Management Cooperative (EMCO), an emerging program to broaden the pool of folks working in the area. This is hardly an exhaustive list, but will get you started
Music Cataloger
Washington UniversityGaylord Music Library
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 21, 2024 11:09 AM
From: Tomeka Jackson
Subject: Authority control experience
Hi! I am a early career librarian working with cataloging and metadata . I am looking for advice on obtaining authority control experience or a webinar ? I want to be more marketable in this field.
Tomeka Jackson
Library Resident
Clemson University