Core Library Storage Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Provides a forum for exchanging ideas on the planning, design, development, operation, management, and/or dismantling of library collection storage.

Related Groups:

This interest group is part of Core's Buildings and Operations Section.

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Are you coming to ALA in San Diego?

  • 1.  Are you coming to ALA in San Diego?

    Posted Jun 25, 2024 03:46 PM

    For those of you who are attending the ALA meeting in San Diego at the end of this week,


    Please join Amy Boucher and I, co-Chairs of the CORE Library Storage Interest group, for two events related to library storage.


    1. On Thursday the 27th, interest group members are touring the UCSD Library storage annex. We are meeting at the Giesel Library at 9am. A few spots on our tour roster are open. If you will be in San Diego on Thursday and want to join us, please email me at the address in my signature block for details ASAP.
    2. On Sunday the 30th, the interest group itself is meeting at 2:30 in the Hilton Bayfront, Indigo Ballroom C.



    Agenda for the meeting:

    1. Introductions
    2. FETCH update
    3. Deduplication study results: Aaron Krebeck
    4. Collection and facility security in storage facilities: a round robin discussion
    5. Agenda topics for next year brain storming





    Cathy and Amy


    Cathy Martyniak

    Chief, Collections Management Division

    Library of Congress

    Direct:  202-707-1410

    Cell:  202-597-4684