Core Linked Data Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Provides a forum for discussion of issues related to Linked Library Data and the role of library metadata in the Semantic web. Goals include: raising awareness of Semantic Web technologies, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the use of URIs as identifiers within bibliographic descriptions; promoting research on linked data challenges, such as domain modeling and vocabulary selection and design; and informing the ongoing development of existing metadata standards for Libraries, Archives and Cultural Heritage Institutions.

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This group is part of Core's Technology Section.

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Announcing 23 Linked Data Things

  • 1.  Announcing 23 Linked Data Things

    Posted Aug 01, 2022 10:02 AM

    23 Linked Data Things is a self-paced online learning program that provides a structure for investigating linked data projects and obtaining hands-on experience in creating linked data. It is designed for library staff who want to learn more about linked data principles and explore how linked data can transform the way we think about metadata. 

    Based on the 23 Things educational project created by Helene Blowers in 2006, each "Thing" is a unit that is intended to take less than one hour to complete. A "Thing" might include readings, videos, and/or tools to explore, along with an activity designed to encourage critical thinking about lessons learned. 


    As this is a self-paced program, it is up to you how you wish to participate. You can go in numeric order, or select the specific Things that are of most interest to you. Each Thing contains activities, reflective questions, and the option to comment so everyone can learn from each other. There is also an option to claim credit for your participation and receive a certificate as you complete each Thing. 

    We will release new Things throughout 2022 and announce them via the Minitex online newsletter and through social media using the hashtag #23LinkedDataThings. If you would like to receive announcements with updates about the program or connect with other participants, register here with your name and email address and we'll add you to the 23 Linked Data Things discussion list.


    23 Linked Data Things grew out of Wikidata Book Club, a group of interested staff from several libraries in the Upper Midwest who started meeting monthly to learn more about that resource and how libraries were utilizing it as an on-ramp to linked data creation and experimentation. We author the Things, though we occasionally seek out colleagues who are actively working in a particular area to edit or co-author a Thing.

    Regular authors include:

    • Greta Bahnemann, Metadata Librarian, Minitex
    • Lizzy Baus, Metadata Librarian, Macalester College
    • Kristi Bergland, Music Metadata Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries
    • Violet Fox, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, Northwestern University
    • Cecilia Genereux, Continuing Resources Metadata Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries
    • Hsianghui Liu-Spencer, Cataloging & Digital Services Librarian, Carleton College
    • Sara Ring, Continuing Education Librarian, Minitex

    Lizzy Baus
    Metadata Librarian
    Macalester College Library