Please join the Core Metadata Interest Group at ALA Annual for its annual meeting on Sunday, June 25, 2023, from 10:30 am -11:30 am, Hilton Chicago, Williford Room. This group facilitates active conversation among librarians and information professionals about projects, ideas, and practical use cases related to library metadata.
This year's meeting will take the form of an interactive discussion on inclusive metadata practices. Please join us and share your experiences and perspectives on inclusive metadata guidelines, policies, and implementation:
Institutional support and expectation
Project management and task assignment (e.g. working groups)
Project success experience
The Metadata Interest Group business meeting and officer elections will follow the discussion. Results of the 2023 MIG Programming Survey will be presented during the business meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at ALA!
Mingyan Li
Metadata Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago