The ALA Core Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group (TSWE IG) is seeking proposals for the ALA Core Interest Group Week 2025, March 3rd through 5th. We invite you to submit a presentation proposal for our program, which will be held virtually on Thursday, March 6th, at 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.
The charge of the Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group is to provide a forum to discuss and analyze techniques, new developments, problems, and technological advances in the workflows associated with the evaluation, selection, acquisition, and discovery of library materials and resources. We encourage and seek participation from anyone interested in technical services workflow efficiency - from public, academic, school, or special libraries - regardless of experience level or training.
Assessing operations in Technical Services can be challenging, and gathering statistics for assessment can often be inefficient, depending on the method. Additionally, quantitative measures traditionally used are often only adequate at telling our story when shared in a manner beyond a presentation of numbers. As technical services department staffing continues to be deprioritized, finding an efficient and compelling way to assess and share our work is vital.
We are seeking proposals for presentations on compiling and reporting assessment data for technical services operations. You do not need to be a member of ALA/Core to present or attend.
Potential areas to address could include, but are not limited to:
We aim to provide a session with 2-3 short presentations (approximately 10-15 minutes each) followed by a brief Q&A. We welcome your presentation proposals by January 31st, 2025. Presenters will be notified by February 10th, 2025.
Please email proposals to co-chair Susan Howell ( and include the following details in your proposal:
· Name(s), affiliation(s), and title(s), and email address(es) of the presenter(s)
· Title and a summary (max. 250 words) of the presentation
If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are eagerly looking forward to receiving your proposals.
Susan Howell
Cataloging and Metadata Librarian
Southern Illinois University Morris Library