Core Authority Control Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Provides a forum for discussion of a variety of issues related to authority control for online catalogs and for international sharing of authority of data.

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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  • 1.  ACIG at ALA Annual 2022

    Posted Jun 30, 2022 07:53 AM
    Edited by Melanie Polutta Jun 30, 2022 07:54 AM

    We had a good meeting at ALA Annual this year, with a basic update from LC, and a presentation by two members of the Literature Section at the Library of Congress on the development of the authority file for the CYAC (Children's and Young Adult's Cataloging) Subject Headings. However, due to technical miscommunications, our attempt at including Zoom participation failed. However, for the CYAC presentation, Stacey and Trina have agreed to try to re-do their presentation for recording purposes later in July, so we hope to have a recording to share with you  all who weren't able to be there and had signed up for the Zoom.

    In the meantime, the powerpoint presentations have been added to the Library here in Connect.

    My apologies for the problem. It was the first time we've done this, and clearly there were stumbles in figuring it out. Hopefully we won't have that problem again. In the meantime, don't forget to sign up for our presentations scheduled for Sept 27 at 3 pm ET.

    **Save the Date (September 27, 2022)**

    We are planning a separate virtual meeting on September 27th at 3pm ET in order to provide additional presentations & discussions. While formal presentation titles & descriptions are yet to be released you can expect an introduction to the RVM thesaurus and its editorial process, a presentation on the possibilities of RDA representative expression elements in authority records, as well as a presentation regarding how DEI initiatives surrounding subject terminology are being implemented with the aid of locally created/edited Authority Records.

    Please pre-register for this upcoming event here: is

    Thanks to all,
    Melanie Polutta
    former Chair of ACIG

    Melanie Polutta
    Cataloging Policy Specialist
    Library of Congress