Hi all,
I'm forwarding this request from an ALA Core committee in case any of you have any suggestions.
If so, please send them and I'll compile/send back to the committee.
Hello from the Learning and Programming Coordination Committee!
Our committee is charged with, among other activities, compiling a list of topics Core members want to have developed into continuing education productions such as webinars. The most efficient method of determining these topics is to ask committee and Interest Group leadership to submit our call for suggestions to their groups and send us the results they receive.
Along with topics, if any of your members have suggestions for content creators, please send their contact information to us.
If you would like one of our members to attend a meeting of your group to explain our charge or answer questions, please contact Dale Poulter (dale.poulter@vanderbilt.edu) to coordinate adding one of us to an upcoming agenda.
Our committee is very excited to work with you, the Core Leaders, to improve the experience for our Core members.
Hi all, I'm extended an invitation to this ReadersFirst Working Group bimonthly meeting in case you'd like a look at the DPLA's Banned Books...
A look at DPLA's Banned Books Club | | | Hi all, I'm extended an invitation to this ReadersFirst Working Group bimonthly meeting in case you'd like a look at the DPLA's Banned Books Club, hosted by DPLA's Micah May. Thanks, Micah! Please join us on Wednesday, August 2nd, 3 pm Eastern, for the ReadersFirst Working Group Meeting. Micah May will give us a look at the just released DPLA Banned Books Club. Michael Blackwell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://marylandlibraries.zoom.us/j/99717090943?pwd=N0ZPdWNDdHJhTDZGMEI1U1FXNU1uQT09 Hope to see you there! Michael Blackwell Director, St Mary's County Library 23630 Hayden Farm Lane Leonardtown, MD 20650 301-475-2151 x5013 Cell phone: 301-904-3048 mblackwell@stmalib.org | | Forward | | |