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ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group at ALA Midwinter, Dallas, 2012

  • 1.  ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group at ALA Midwinter, Dallas, 2012

    Posted Feb 13, 2012 12:26 PM
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    The ALCTS Cataloging & Metadata Management Section Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group (CCRIG) at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Dallas hosted speakers on the topic of “Traditions and Transitions in Batchloaded Catalog Data.” In this meeting, CCRIG explored the benefits, challenges, and best practices for batchloading vendor catalog records. 

     Rebecca L. Mugridge, Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services, Penn State University Libraries described the results of her research on “Batchloading: Current Practices and Future Challenges: A Survey of Large Research Libraries.” A survey distributed to the ALCTS Technical Services Directors of Large Research Libraries Interest Group examined how academic libraries are handling increased workload of batch records for electronic resources. A paper on survey results has been accepted for publication in Library Resources and Technical Services.

     Stacie Traill, Cartographic and E-Resources Cataloging Coordinator, University of Minnesota Libraries, and Chew Chiat Naun, Cataloging Strategist, University of Minnesota Libraries, presented “Quality Issues in Vendor-provided Records for E-books.” Since 2003, the UM catalog has not merged batch duplicates into a single provider neutral record.  Traill and Naun studied record errors, divergent practices among vendors, and omissions that may affect access.  The speakers suggested creating a list of critical record content problems and addressing these with vendors, as well as finding collaborative ways to share file edits.

     Kathryn Lybarger, Coordinator of Cataloging and Metadata, University of Kentucky, spoke on “Fast, but Accurate?  Pitfalls of Batch Metadata Editing.”  She addressed problems that may arise with vendor records distributed through large cooperative environments such as OCLC.  She recommended using a local editor such as MarcEdit to check and batch edit records, coupled with a file management system such as Mercurial for edit version control.  She suggested the need for feedback systems to identify and report dead links, since generic link checkers can be ineffective.

     Audience responses during the panel discussion indicated that many institutions are experiencing similar issues with batchload workflows and there was interest expressed in an opportunity to dialog with vendors and explore solutions to obtaining better data or sharing record edits.


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