Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group

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About this Group

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Purpose: Provides a forum to educate the library community about ongoing efforts to transition from the MARC Standard for bibliographic data and examines new approaches and strategies for implementing bibliographic data models within the framework of linked open data and semantic web technology.

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This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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MARC Formats Transition Interest Group program announcement

  • 1.  MARC Formats Transition Interest Group program announcement

    Posted Jun 08, 2018 08:06 AM

    Please join us for the LITA/ALCTS MARC Formats Transition Interest Group meeting at ALA Annual in New Orleans.
    Saturday, June 23, 2:30-3:30
    Morial Convention Center, Room 279-280


    The Interest Group will host presentations from two members of the PCC Task Group on URIs in MARC:

    Chew Chiat Naun
    Head of Metadata Creation, Harvard Library

    Abstract: Why try and do linked data in MARC? In this presentation we'll talk about how and why the PCC task group was formed, what our aims are (as well as what they are not), where we think they fit in the current scheme of things, what we've learned about how metadata practices evolve, and what we as practitioners can do next.

    Nancy Fallgren
    Senior Metadata Librarian, Cataloging and Metadata Management Section
    National Library of Medicine

     Abstract: One thing leads to another and nothing is ever as simple as it seems or as it should be.  A winding tale about how the PCC URI Task Group influenced NLM to attempt the seemingly simple task of adding URIs to bibliographic data, subsequent lessons in scalability and shared cataloging complexities, persevering in the midst of obstacles, and (mostly) prevailing . . . but always pushing forward. 



    Jeremy Bartczak

    Metadata Librarian

    University of Virginia Library


    Debra Shapiro
    iSchool UW-Madison