The Core transition is changing, in some cases, how interest groups (IGs) operate within ALA. The ALCTS/LITA Linked Library Data IG (LLDIG) is assessing how its role can and should change and whether the IG serves a need in the Core community. This IG currently hosts panel events twice a year at ALA and ALA Midwinter and manages a list serv. There are two co-chairs and no formal membership. Due to the changing nature of MARC and non-MARC metadata, there is often overlapping content from this IG and other IGs.
My co-chair, Ben Riesenberg, and I request feedback from the Core community regarding (1) what is considered typical for IGs and (2) what do you recommend for the future of LLDIG?
Annamarie Klose
Metadata Initiatives Librarian
Ohio State University Libraries