***Please excuse cross-posting***
Dear all,
The ALA Core Catalog Management Interest Group (CMIG) seeks two volunteers to serve as Vice Co-Chairs for the rest of the 2020-2021 term and Co-Chairs for the 2021-2022 term. The Catalog Management Interest Group provides a forum for exchanging information and discussing how to apply current techniques and new developments, including but not limited to: resolving the technical problems, ethical dilemmas, and diversity concerns with managing the data integrity and data availability of library catalogs and related discovery tools.
Our charge is to discuss the various issues involved in bibliographic control, authority control, holding and item issues, metadata application, and their impact on discovery and user access.
As Vice Co-Chair, you will assist with the planning and delivery of the Group's meetings, including solicitation for speakers and selection of topics to be presented. As Co-Chair, you will assume full responsibility for planning the meetings, filing reports to ALA, and selecting incoming Vice Co-Chairs.
Attendance at ALA Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences is desirable and highly encouraged for the one year Vice Co-Chair term and required for the one year Co-Chair commitment. No prior experience is necessary.
Please submit your name and a brief statement of interest to the current Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Miraglia (emiraglia@ucsd.edu) and Jianying Shou (jianying.shou@duke.edu) by December 18, 2020.
*ALA Core membership required
Elizabeth Miraglia and Jianying Shou
Elizabeth Miraglia
Assistant Program Director and Head, Books & Serials Metadata
UC San Diego Library
UC San Diego
Jianying Shou
Serials Description Librarian
Duke University Libraries
Duke University
Jianying Shou
Duke University Library