Core Bibliographic Conceptual Models Interest Group

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About this Group

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Purpose: Provides a dedicated forum for the discussion of conceptual models, such as IFLA-LRM and BIBFRAME 2.0, that serve as the basis for current cataloging standards or are expected to provide a foundation for future cataloging standards in a Linked Open Data environment. Topics of special interest include: theoretical foundations of bibliographical conceptual models; the implementation of bibliographical conceptual models in information systems (especially Linked Data-based systems); extensions of current conceptual models; ontologies and conceptual models used in GLAM institutions.

Related Groups:

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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Midwinter meeting invitation

  • 1.  Midwinter meeting invitation

    Posted Dec 16, 2009 12:57 PM

    ALA ALCTS FRBR Interest Group
    ALA Midwinter Meeting
    Friday, January 15, 10:30-12:00
    Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Room 156 A/B

    Please join us for an open discussion session on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and related issues.  Our discussions are always lively, informal, and informative, and FRBR remains a hot topic.  Everyone is welcome to come, listen, and join in!

    Meeting Agenda:

    Welcome and introductions
    IG Business:

    Chair's report on renewal petition
    Suggestion for discussion: outreach to other groups in ALA -- add it to our function statement?  Implementation?
    ALA Connect space for discussions, document storage, other uses?

    Open discussion:

    The remainder of the meeting will be an open discussion on any FRBR-related topics the attendees are interested in.  Based on discussions from past meetings, some suggested topics include:
    Implementations of FRBR -- progress and issues
    Possible areas for further research, for the Year of Cataloging Research (2010)
    Collaborative work on "FRBRizing" existing data, and repositories for cooperative work
    Other relevant topics are welcome.  Send suggestions to the Chair at the email address below, post them at our ALA Connect space, or feel free to raise them during the meeting.