Request for panel participants, ALCTS FRBR Interest Group
ALA Annual, Washington, D.C., Friday, June 25, 2010, 10:30-12:00 p.m.
The ALCTS FRBR Interest Group is seeking participants/presenters for a panel
discussion on FRBR, its implications and implementations. Some
suggested topics include:
- implications for user interface design and implementation;
- FRBRoo and the CIDOC CRM;
- overview and background on data modeling in general
All topics related to FRBR are welcome, but given the imminent release of RDA we are
most interested in exploring issues other than descriptive cataloging. Presentations should be brief, around 10-15 minutes, to allow for discussion
time after the presentations. Please send a brief description of your
proposed presentation by May 24, to our contact information below.
Thanks for your consideration,
Tami Morse McGill
Chair, ALCTS FRBR Interest Group
Catalog Librarian
University of Wyoming Libraries <>
Judy Jeng
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, ALCTS FRBR Interest Group