Currently the linking of LCSH and the RAMEAU vocabularies is stored on the site, which is the SKOS Vocabulary and Alignment Repository Prototype and has a disclaimer "this service and the interface that provides access to it are research prototypes. The data accessible here is for demonstration purposes only: though it reflects data from our partner institutions (BnF, RACM, RKD), it is not curated or even endorsed by them. In particular, some data might be outdated and there is no claim of completeness. "
This raises the question of how long term this site is. Are efforts being made to strengthen the partnership so that the data reflected will be more current and complete? Are there any considerations to move the linking data to another site? Is the LCSH Authorities and Vocabularies SKOS data updated weekly?
Are there plans in the future to discontinue the MARC authority record distribution service and rely on the SKOS data instead?