Core Preservation Administration Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Focuses on both broad and specific preservation issues in libraries. Topics encompass physical collections generally, and occasionally digital preservation issues. We serve academic, public, special, and other types of libraries.

Related Groups:

This interest group is part of Core's Preservation Section.

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American Institute for Conservation Health & Safety Network – Join the Forum!

  • 1.  American Institute for Conservation Health & Safety Network – Join the Forum!

    Posted Feb 25, 2021 12:06 PM
    Dear Colleagues-

    Are you concerned about the health and safety of yourself and others? Do you have health and safety questions, but aren't certain where to look for relevant, up-to-date information? Look no further – join the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Health & Safety Network Forum! And best of all, it's free and open to anyone, thanks to support from AIC.

    H&S Network Forum – Our Purpose:

    •  To create a space dedicated to discussing health and safety topics, specifically for conservators and other persons associated with cultural institutions who have an interest in health and safety in museums, libraries, archives, and similar venues.
    • To promote a safe space to discuss and ask questions about these issues without being judged or dismissed by those who do not think health and safety are legitimate concerns.
    • To increase awareness of health and safety issues and resources.
    • To act as a resource for interested conservators and allied professionals, and garner contributions to articles, collaborative projects, and Annual Meeting programming that the network officers manage.
    • To keep the community updated on OSHA updates/new procedures that might be relevant to U.S.-based conservators and cultural institution professionals.
    • To create a solid network of individuals with a strong interest in health and safety, with the end goal of making cultural heritage workplaces as safe as possible.

    How Do I Join?

     In order to join this free forum, please follow the directions below:

     AIC Members and List Subscribers: To join the Network Forum, sign in at the AIC Online Community page and choose the Communities drop down menu. Choose All Communities from the menu. Scroll down until you find Health and Safety Network Forum and click on the "Join" button on the far right of the screen.

    New to AIC: To join the Network and Forum, you will need to create an account in the AIC Online Community. If you have trouble signing up or joining the community, please send a message to

    1. Create an account: Visit to create an account.
        1. Enter your email address and select Go.
        2. Complete your profile. Fields marked with an R are required. The rest are optional. Skip any questions that do not apply. At the bottom of the page, click on Create Account.
        3. Be sure to take note of the password you create. You will need it to log in to post to the Community.
        4. Select the Community button after completing your account registration and go back to the Community page. Click on the Communities drop down and you will be taken to the list of all the AIC Communities. Scroll down to Health & Safety Network Forum and click on the JOIN button.
        5. Once you have created your login details, the site will return you to AIC's Online Community.
        6. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
        7. Click on My Communities in the navigation menu to find the AIC Health and Safety Network Forum in the future.
                   2.  Set your email delivery preferences. Once you are in the Community, select the Settings button and set your Email Notifications. You may choose:
          • Real time: sends an email every time a new message is posted.
          • Daily digest: sends one email to you each day, consolidating all the posts from the previous day.
          • No Email: allows you to be part of the group without having emails sent to you. You can still post and read others' messages by logging into the community site.
       We recommend the Daily Digest, as it allows you to follow the discussions without bombarding you with emails.

      We look forward to seeing you online on the Forum! If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me.


      Tara Kennedy

      Chair, Health and Safety Network

      Tara Kennedy
      Presv Servs Librarian
      Yale University