Core Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group

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2012 ALA Midwinter Meeting announcement

  • 1.  2012 ALA Midwinter Meeting announcement

    Posted Jan 06, 2012 09:03 AM

    You’re invited to attend the ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group at ALA Midwinter

    Topic: Traditions and Transitions in Batchloaded Catalog Data

    Date:  Sunday, January 22, 2012

    Time: 10:30 am – Noon

    Location: Dallas Convention Center A306


    In the current economic climate, libraries must adopt cost-effective methods to facilitate access to collections. Vendor-provided records enable access to individual titles when batch-loaded into the catalog, but often have substantial quality issues. In this year’s meeting, CCRIG explores the benefits, challenges, and best practices for batch-loading vendor catalog records.  Following the presentations, there will be an opportunity for audience questions and a panel discussion of issues by the presenters.

     “Batchloading: Current Practices and Future Challenges: A Survey of Large Research Libraries,” presented by Rebecca L. Mugridge, Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services, Penn State University Libraries.

    The presentation reviews survey results showing how batchloading records for access to digital collections can impact staffing, budgets, workflow, and quality standards.  The data also examines how batchloading activities are managed within libraries, how information technology issues support and/or hinder batchloading activities, and how libraries assess the effectiveness of batch loading. 


    Quality Issues in Vendor-provided Records for E-books,” presented by Stacie Traill, Cartographic and E-Resources Cataloging Coordinator, University of Minnesota Libraries, and Chew Chiat Naun, Cataloging Strategist, University of Minnesota Libraries.

    The University of Minnesota Libraries documented and analyzed types of errors in vendor-supplied  batchloaded records for electronic book collections.   This presentation describes specific error types detected and the methods developed for identifying and correcting errors, including use of the MARCEdit tool. It also discusses unresolved issues in quality control for batchloaded records, and proposes some potential larger-scale solutions.


    “Fast, but Accurate?  Pitfalls of Batch Metadata Editing,” presented by Kathryn Lybarger, Coordinator of Cataloging and Metadata, University of Kentucky.

    A discussion of problems and inconsistencies in MARC records for electronic resource packages that may be unexpected and difficult to reconcile using batch processes. Includes tips on how to process record batches to help maintain an accurate catalog, while taking advantage of the efficiency enabled by batch editing.