The ALCTS/LITA Linked Library Data Interest Group hosted three presentations during its meeting at the ALA Midwinter Conference in Chicago.
Kristi Holmes, the Director of Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University and a VIVO Project Engagement Lead will speak about VIVO:
Opening up science with VIVO
Libraries are uniquely positioned to facilitate the open representation of research information and its use to spur collaboration, discovery, and assessment activities. Research information systems such as VIVO play a big role in enabling this work on both the local and international level. VIVO is an open source, Semantic Web-based application that provides an integrated, searchable view of the academic work of an organization. Data in VIVO can be used to highlight expertise and facilitate discovery at many levels within and far beyond an organization. VIVO provides a uniform semantic structure to enable a new class of tools that can use the rich data to advance science. This presentation will provide a brief introduction and update to VIVO and will describe ways that VIVO and VIVO-compatible data can facilitate activities in the scholarly ecosystem — including new applications which consume VIVO’s semantically-rich data for visualizations, reporting, next-generation collaboration and team building, and enhanced multi-site search, among others. Finally, we’ll describe how librarians are engaged in this work, including metadata and ontology creation, data curation and management, technical might, and engagement.
Nancy Lorimer, Interim Head of Metadata Department at Stanford University Libraries will speak about the Linked Data for Libraries project:
The Linked Data for Libraries project: an update
Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) is a two-year Mellon-funded project, in which the Cornell University Library, the Harvard Library Innovation Lab, and the Stanford University Libraries are collaborating to create a Scholarly Resource Semantic Information Store model that works both within individual institutions and through a coordinated, extensible network of Linked Open Data to capture the intellectual value that librarians and other domain experts and scholars add to information resources when they describe, annotate, organize, select, and use those resources, together with the social value evident from patterns of usage. This talk will provide an update of the work that has taken place in the first year of project, principally the ongoing formation of the LD4L ontology and the issues encountered in and related to its development, including the migration of MARC data to BIBFRAME, and the integration of disparate metadata standards and non-library data.
Victoria Mueller, Senior Information Architect and System Librarian, Zepheira
BIBFRAME: A Way Forward. Moving Libraries into a linked data world!
BIBFRAME provides a foundation for the future of bibliographic description, both on the web, and in the broader networked world. This session will provide an update on the BIBFRAME framework, related projects and demonstrations of BIBFRAME data and tools. See how you can get involved in getting your library data on the web!
Please visit this link:
The presentations are already posted here: in 3 separate messages. For more clarity we are attaching them to this discussion as well. Hope you enjoy them.
Your Co-Chairs: Sarah Quimby and Violeta Ilik