Creating Library Linked Data: What Catalogers and Coders Can Build
Facilitator: Debra Shapiro, University of WI-Madison School of Library & Information Studies
Sponsored by the LITA/ALCTS Linked Library Data Interest Group. (Division Member rate available to LITA & ALCTS members)
This preconference is positioned to take advantage of the growing interest in the library community to work to transform the wealth of quality, library-created metadata - billions of bibliographic records, finding aids, descriptions of digital content - into linked data. Some of the infrastructure necessary is already in place, such as the availability of the DDC as linked data, Library of Congress' efforts making the vocabularies it maintains available in Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), and the Open Metadata Registry, where RDA, Dublin Core, and other element sets are available in Semantic Web-consumable form. Production level tools to create linked data, as well as discovery systems to deploy linked data, are yet to be built.
The preconference will be an un-conference style event. Eric Miller of Zepheira will deliver a short keynote to begin the day, followed by a series of lightning talks from librarians and technologists involved in a variety of linked data efforts. Afterward, we will break into work groups, to begin to design linked data systems, and discuss associated issues. The project work will be followed with reports from each group, so that everyone can share in the progress being made. Please join us in this important effort to begin the migration of library data into linked data, woven into the Semantic Web!
Confirmed lightning talk speakers and work group facilitators include:
- Jennifer Bowen, Assistant Dean, University of Rochester River Campus Libraries, and Chair, Board of Managers Xtensible catalog Organization
- Karen Coombs, product manager for the OCLC Developer Network
- Kevin Ford, Network Development and MARC Standards Office Library of Congress
- Rachel Frick, Director, Digital Library Federation Program, Council on Library & Information Resources (CLIR)
- Corey Harper, Metadata Services Librarian, New York University Libraries
- Eric Miller, co-founder and president, Zepheira
- Michael Panzer, Assistant Editor Dewey Decimal Classification, OCLC
- Karl Doering, Mark Foong, Gary Samson and Bob Syslo-Seel Serials Solutions
- Suzanne Pilsk, Smithsonian Institution Libraries
- Jenn Riley, Head, Carolina Digital Library and Archives
- Phillip Schreur, Head, Metadata Department, Stanford University
- Jon Voss, Historypin Strategic Partnerships Director, & LODLAM
See the LITA website for more information. To register for the preconference, visit the ALA Annual Conference 2012 website.