ALCTS CCS Copy Cataloging Interest Group
Saturday, July 11, 2009
10:30 AM-12 noon
Chicago Hilton, Lake Ontario Room
Topic 1: Provider Neutral Record for E-Monographs
The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) has developed guidelines for a provider neutral record for e-monographs. The provider neutral record guidelines will be implemented on July 17, 2009. Becky Culbertson, Shared Cataloging Program, California Digital Library, Metadata Service Department, University of California San Diego, who was one of the co-chairs of the Task Group that developed these guidelines, will speak to us about the provider neutral record. You’ll want to hear about this, as there will be an impact on the records you use for copy cataloging on e-monographs.
Topic 2: Vendor Cataloging Records
Do you use vendor supplied records for copy cataloging? Do you perform copy cataloging with vendor supplied records? Have you ever wondered how a vendor’s cataloging operation works? Deborah Silverman, Technical Services Manager NA, Coutts Information Services, will be joining us with a presentation entitled: “Look Before You Leap: Integrating Vendor Copy Cataloging Into Your Library Catalog.” Deborah has worked in a library copy cataloging area and now for a vendor, so she’s going to try to pull both perspectives together.
If you’re interested in copy cataloging, please join us at the Copy Cataloging Interest Group. If you’re interested in serving as Vice Chair/Chair Elect of this group, we’re looking for you! Nominate yourself or someone else by contacting Gene Dickerson or Tatiana Barr. We hope to see you there.
Gene Dickerson, Chair
Tatiana Barr, Vice Chair/Chair Elect