Core Authority Control Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides a forum for discussion of a variety of issues related to authority control for online catalogs and for international sharing of authority of data.

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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  • 1.  Chat: ACIG business

    Posted Feb 03, 2010 09:56 AM
    Jan 27 2010 12:53PM Mary Mastraccio: Thanks, Lynn, for getting this started. Hopefully both you and Melanie are subscribed to the three lists: lita-acig, comchair, and alctsleaders.
    Jan 27 2010 12:54PM Mary Mastraccio: You will find the lists at
    Feb 3 2010 9:56AM Melanie McGurr: Good morning!
    Feb 3 2010 9:56AM Lynnette Fields: Good morning! Since I've never done this before, I truly don't have any idea how to begin. Melanie, I think you have some experience with this.
    Feb 3 2010 9:57AM Melanie McGurr: I say, we just start talking/Chatting.
    Feb 3 2010 9:57AM Mary Mastraccio: Good morning. Lynnette you can just start asking questions and Melanie and I will respond.
    Feb 3 2010 9:58AM Melanie McGurr: We can get started on the agenda and anything else we need to discuss. We can archive the discussion later so we can refer back to it.
    Feb 3 2010 9:58AM Lynnette Fields: Sounds good. First thing was to look at the ALCTS planning list. Mary I think you have done everything so far that needs to be done.
    Feb 3 2010 9:59AM Mary Mastraccio: We have the room for 300 people, theater seating, table and podium with mics.
    Feb 3 2010 9:59AM Melanie McGurr: The planning list is great.
    Feb 3 2010 9:59AM Mary Mastraccio: We do need to contact potential speakers.
    Feb 3 2010 10:00AM Mary Mastraccio: I have contacted Jenn Riley but the others need to be contacted.
    Feb 3 2010 10:00AM Mary Mastraccio: Do you have the copy of the suggestions I sent after Midwinter?
    Feb 3 2010 10:00AM Melanie McGurr: Ok. I have so much info here I'm trying to find who else needs to be contacted.
    Feb 3 2010 10:00AM Melanie McGurr: Yes.
    Feb 3 2010 10:01AM Mary Mastraccio: Gerry Ostrove
    Feb 3 2010 10:01AM Lynnette Fields: I was looking at that in the minutes you sent Mary - I can do that - I think Gerry Ostrove was someone that everyone at the last business meeting thought we s
    Feb 3 2010 10:01AM Lynnette Fields: I see that you can only type a certain amount in a line :-)
    Feb 3 2010 10:02AM Melanie McGurr: I know...that is a problem sometimes!
    Feb 3 2010 10:02AM Mary Mastraccio: LF can you also contact Janis Young?
    Feb 3 2010 10:02AM Lynnette Fields: That we should contact was what I was going to end that sentence with
    Feb 3 2010 10:02AM Lynnette Fields: Yes I can contact Janis Young
    Feb 3 2010 10:03AM Lynnette Fields: If we can get those three speakers do we think that will be enough?
    Feb 3 2010 10:03AM Mary Mastraccio: Do we want to get a library to talk about moving 650 terms to 655?
    Feb 3 2010 10:03AM Melanie McGurr: That would make a potential 3. Do we keep the other ideas (like Patrica Dragon) just in case something does not work out?
    Feb 3 2010 10:03AM Lynnette Fields: Might be good - I know Bob Maxwell has done a lot on that
    Feb 3 2010 10:03AM Mary Mastraccio: This is a topic many people are interested in
    Feb 3 2010 10:04AM Lynnette Fields: Do we want to ask all four or just ask 3 originally?
    Feb 3 2010 10:04AM Melanie McGurr: Yes we have him and Adam Schiff down as possibilities
    Feb 3 2010 10:04AM Mary Mastraccio: we have approximately 2.5 hours for the program
    Feb 3 2010 10:04AM Melanie McGurr: I'm for 3 and see who can make it?
    Feb 3 2010 10:05AM Melanie McGurr: Hmmm...that is a long time for 3 people.
    Feb 3 2010 10:05AM Lynnette Fields: I think we have already asked Jenn R?
    Feb 3 2010 10:06AM Lynnette Fields: Melanie, you're right, it does seem that we could have 4 speakers
    Feb 3 2010 10:06AM Lynnette Fields: I sometimes think that attention spans are getting so short that people like several short presentations
    Feb 3 2010 10:06AM Mary Mastraccio: I think we can do all four and the 650 to 655 will respond to something people have asked about
    Feb 3 2010 10:06AM Melanie McGurr: I know people ask a lot of questions, but I think we might have time for 4.
    Feb 3 2010 10:06AM Lynnette Fields: Also, much easier for the presenter
    Feb 3 2010 10:07AM Melanie McGurr: Good, 4 then? Do you need me to contact someone Lynn?
    Feb 3 2010 10:07AM Lynnette Fields: Ok, so I will contact Jenn, Gerry, Janis and Bob first and then Adam
    Feb 3 2010 10:07AM Mary Mastraccio: Sounds good
    Feb 3 2010 10:07AM Lynnette Fields: Melanie, yes, if you want to take Janis and Bob that would be great
    Feb 3 2010 10:07AM Melanie McGurr: I can do that.
    Feb 3 2010 10:08AM Lynnette Fields: This is kind of fun. :-)
    Feb 3 2010 10:08AM Melanie McGurr: It's hard to keep up sometimes.
    Feb 3 2010 10:08AM Lynnette Fields: Yes, I agree
    Feb 3 2010 10:08AM Mary Mastraccio: It does work better than email. Hopefully we can encourage more ACIG discussions like this.
    Feb 3 2010 10:08AM Melanie McGurr: One thing I did do in my last meeting was put action items at the end of the chat.
    Feb 3 2010 10:08AM Mary Mastraccio: Great idea.
    Feb 3 2010 10:09AM Melanie McGurr: A review and reminder, but also a good way to keep up with what I said I would do!
    Feb 3 2010 10:09AM Lynnette Fields: Good idea!
    Feb 3 2010 10:09AM Lynnette Fields: Also, Melanie you might need to tell me how to archive this
    Feb 3 2010 10:10AM Melanie McGurr: Ok.
    Feb 3 2010 10:10AM Lynnette Fields: Should we move on to the LITA planning list?
    Feb 3 2010 10:10AM Melanie McGurr: Suer.
    Feb 3 2010 10:10AM Melanie McGurr: Sure
    Feb 3 2010 10:10AM Lynnette Fields: Mary, I think you have done everything for Feb?
    Feb 3 2010 10:10AM Mary Mastraccio: Not to change the subject but currently I am owner of the acig list, we can keep it that way for now but at some point it will change to the current Chair
    Feb 3 2010 10:11AM Mary Mastraccio: Sorry I was typing
    Feb 3 2010 10:11AM Melanie McGurr: How do we do that?
    Feb 3 2010 10:11AM Mary Mastraccio: Yes, Feb. is done--except I still need to post the minutes and reports to various ALA entities
    Feb 3 2010 10:11AM Lynnette Fields: Do we have to do that or does it happen automatically?
    Feb 3 2010 10:11AM Mary Mastraccio: I will check on that. I understood it happens automatically.
    Feb 3 2010 10:12AM Melanie McGurr: I finally figured out how to post reports last night if you need me to do that, Mary.
    Feb 3 2010 10:12AM Mary Mastraccio: The biggest task right now for the list owner is getting so much spam posts to reject from posting.
    Feb 3 2010 10:12AM Mary Mastraccio: No problem, I'm waiting on the ACIG secretary to give me his report and then post.
    Feb 3 2010 10:13AM Melanie McGurr: That is not good about the spam.
    Feb 3 2010 10:13AM Mary Mastraccio: LITA, ALA are aware of the problem but I'm not sure they have found a solution.
    Feb 3 2010 10:14AM Lynnette Fields: Mary, I will probably be asking you lots of questions about being the list owner. I've never done anything like that before.
    Feb 3 2010 10:14AM Mary Mastraccio: Fortunately there is little you have to do but feel free to ask.
    Feb 3 2010 10:14AM Lynnette Fields: Are we ready to move to no. 2 on agenda - Elections
    Feb 3 2010 10:15AM Mary Mastraccio: Yes. We have one candidate so far and only two positions open.
    Feb 3 2010 10:15AM Melanie McGurr: I finally found my LITA planning list! But I'm ready to move on.
    Feb 3 2010 10:15AM Lynnette Fields: Mary in your Jan. 22 email you gave us a good run down of where we are with everythiing
    Feb 3 2010 10:15AM Lynnette Fields: Should we be thinking about that now, or hold off a bit?
    Feb 3 2010 10:16AM Mary Mastraccio: If you know someone to ask, go ahead, or put a post on the ACIG Connect sight but otherwise I would wait until closer to June.
    Feb 3 2010 10:16AM Mary Mastraccio: People might not know yet if they can come to Annual.
    Feb 3 2010 10:17AM Lynnette Fields: I don't have anyone in mind - how about you guys?
    Feb 3 2010 10:17AM Lynnette Fields: Waiting closer to June sounds good to me
    Feb 3 2010 10:17AM Mary Mastraccio: I don't have anyone in mind now but I know there are some new librarians that are interested in getting involved.
    Feb 3 2010 10:19AM Mary Mastraccio: Let's go ahead and put a post on Connect just to have the word out that two Member-at-Large positions will be filled in June at Annual. You can point them to
    Feb 3 2010 10:19AM Melanie McGurr: Richard Guinn?
    Feb 3 2010 10:19AM Mary Mastraccio: ACIG wiki with more details about the positions.--Yes Richard Guinn
    Feb 3 2010 10:19AM Mary Mastraccio: Richard is our one candidate
    Feb 3 2010 10:20AM Melanie McGurr: Yes, I remember reading what needed to be filled, but can't remember now. John Reese is leaving, correct?
    Feb 3 2010 10:20AM Lynnette Fields: Yes, I had him down and should I ask Elaine and John now if they are interested in another term
    Feb 3 2010 10:21AM Mary Mastraccio: Correct, John is leaving. I have to check if Elaine is eligible for another term; I think I said she was.
    Feb 3 2010 10:21AM Melanie McGurr: I will check out the wiki to get a better idea and then might have some suggestions.
    Feb 3 2010 10:21AM Lynnette Fields: Mary, do you have a pattern that I can follow for that?
    Feb 3 2010 10:22AM Lynnette Fields: By that, I meant a posting on Connect for the open positions
    Feb 3 2010 10:22AM Mary Mastraccio: No pattern but I can send you a paragraph via email later.
    Feb 3 2010 10:22AM Lynnette Fields: Thanks!
    Feb 3 2010 10:23AM Lynnette Fields: Anything else on this?
    Feb 3 2010 10:23AM Mary Mastraccio: Melanie the wiki is open for anyone to add to. I suppose if you have some major changes we could suggest a chat about structure
    Feb 3 2010 10:23AM Lynnette Fields: I haven't looked at it very closely either - I will try to do that soon
    Feb 3 2010 10:23AM Melanie McGurr: Oh, I'm sorry. I was talking about elections.
    Feb 3 2010 10:23AM Mary Mastraccio: So far I've been the only one putting anything there--mainly to get a presence on the web
    Feb 3 2010 10:24AM Melanie McGurr: I wanted to get an idea of what seats were open.
    Feb 3 2010 10:24AM Lynnette Fields: Maybe we should have a separate meeting about the wiki after we have looked
    Feb 3 2010 10:24AM Lynnette Fields: at it
    Feb 3 2010 10:25AM Melanie McGurr: Sure--not much you can do that you were not already doing, Mary. It's a great place for minutes, history, etc.
    Feb 3 2010 10:25AM Mary Mastraccio: The open positions are not on the wiki but there is a link to the current officers that gives dates
    Feb 3 2010 10:26AM Mary Mastraccio: On the wiki there is a description of the responsibilities people usually like to know.
    Feb 3 2010 10:26AM Melanie McGurr: Ok--sorry. I was getting confused!
    Feb 3 2010 10:26AM Mary Mastraccio: The Member-at-Large positions are starter positions. They help with meeting admin and ideas.
    Feb 3 2010 10:27AM Lynnette Fields: Any more on this?
    Feb 3 2010 10:28AM Melanie McGurr: I'm good.
    Feb 3 2010 10:28AM Mary Mastraccio: Me too.
    Feb 3 2010 10:28AM Lynnette Fields: Last item on agenda was contacting ACIP attendees before and after meetings
    Feb 3 2010 10:29AM Lynnette Fields: I think I meant ACIG
    Feb 3 2010 10:29AM Melanie McGurr: I was just trying to think of what ACIP was. I thought I missed something!
    Feb 3 2010 10:29AM Lynnette Fields: No, I'm just a bad typist!!!
    Feb 3 2010 10:29AM Melanie McGurr: You are not alone,.
    Feb 3 2010 10:30AM Melanie McGurr: Is this to thank them for coming and then alert them to the next program?
    Feb 3 2010 10:30AM Lynnette Fields: Mary, you have the most experience with this, so I'm happy to go with what you think
    Feb 3 2010 10:30AM Lynnette Fields: Yes, Melanie, what you said
    Feb 3 2010 10:30AM Mary Mastraccio: We used to supply summaries of the programs; now we put everything online
    Feb 3 2010 10:31AM Melanie McGurr: So, we can supply a link?
    Feb 3 2010 10:31AM Mary Mastraccio: I try to let people know at the meeting where to go and since we link from the wiki it is always there; yes
    Feb 3 2010 10:31AM Melanie McGurr: Ok.
    Feb 3 2010 10:31AM Lynnette Fields: Maybe this is something we don't need to do anymore?
    Feb 3 2010 10:31AM Mary Mastraccio: There is an ALA conference site as well as a LITA site
    Feb 3 2010 10:32AM Lynnette Fields: Mary, do you know when it was done last?
    Feb 3 2010 10:32AM Lynnette Fields: Since we don't have an attendance list from midwinter would we use the last one if we decided to continue
    Feb 3 2010 10:33AM Mary Mastraccio: We don't need to send out the documents, and probably don't really need to alert them as to when they are there if we are good about getting them posted within
    Feb 3 2010 10:33AM Mary Mastraccio: a week of conference
    Feb 3 2010 10:33AM Mary Mastraccio: In addition, we often use the list to broadcast what is coming up for the next conference
    Feb 3 2010 10:34AM Melanie McGurr: I was just going to ask about that. So that gets people who could not be there....
    Feb 3 2010 10:34AM Mary Mastraccio: Last year 2009, I don't remember if we announced when we had the materials from presentations online but we did use it to alert people of the annual conf. I did
    Feb 3 2010 10:35AM Mary Mastraccio: not use it for Midwinter.
    Feb 3 2010 10:35AM Mary Mastraccio: Yes, the idea is to keep contact with these people.
    Feb 3 2010 10:35AM Melanie McGurr: if we reminded them that information is available on the program.
    Feb 3 2010 10:35AM Lynnette Fields: It sounds like there may still be some benefits to doing this
    Feb 3 2010 10:35AM Melanie McGurr: I guess this might be good if more and more people are going to have to skip MidWinter
    Feb 3 2010 10:35AM Melanie McGurr: or annual for that matter.
    Feb 3 2010 10:36AM Melanie McGurr: I think of using the list for sure.
    Feb 3 2010 10:36AM Mary Mastraccio: We did not do an attendance list at Midwinter this year but we can certainly use the old list.
    Feb 3 2010 10:36AM Lynnette Fields: And eventually when people get more used to using the wiki it might not be as important in the future
    Feb 3 2010 10:36AM Mary Mastraccio: We key in the email info in Excel and I combined to get a full list of anyone who ever attended.
    Feb 3 2010 10:37AM Mary Mastraccio: Of course, emails are not always legible and change so some bounce and I delete those.
    Feb 3 2010 10:37AM Lynnette Fields: Thanks Mary. I don't use Excel much, but I think there are some people here who can help me
    Feb 3 2010 10:37AM Mary Mastraccio: It is fairly easy
    Feb 3 2010 10:37AM Melanie McGurr: I never thought of that.
    Feb 3 2010 10:38AM Lynnette Fields: Good!!
    Feb 3 2010 10:38AM Lynnette Fields: Anything else we should talk about?
    Feb 3 2010 10:38AM Mary Mastraccio: So I guess we can do a mailing to the list in June, when we will also post to AUTOCAT and other lists.
    Feb 3 2010 10:39AM Lynnette Fields: Sounds good!
    Feb 3 2010 10:39AM Melanie McGurr: That sounds good, Mary.
    Feb 3 2010 10:39AM Mary Mastraccio: I think that covers it. Are you both getting the comchair and alctsleaders emails?
    Feb 3 2010 10:40AM Lynnette Fields: I know I get alctsleaders emails - not sure about comchair
    Feb 3 2010 10:40AM Melanie McGurr: I don't think I am.
    Feb 3 2010 10:40AM Mary Mastraccio: You should go to the ALA lists page and sign up for them. If you need instructions I will send.
    Feb 3 2010 10:41AM Lynnette Fields: Thanks Mary. I'll check on comchair
    Feb 3 2010 10:41AM Melanie McGurr: I will try to figure it out...I thought I did one of them already, but I might not have subscribed right.
    Feb 3 2010 10:42AM Mary Mastraccio: If you don't get it let me know and I will contact LITA direct to be sure you are getting the emails.
    Feb 3 2010 10:42AM Melanie McGurr: Ok--I will let you know. That you.
    Feb 3 2010 10:42AM Lynnette Fields: Melanie, when you were talking about doing action items at the end, do you just type them, or is there actually something that we use to compile them
    Feb 3 2010 10:42AM Mary Mastraccio: There won't be much activity for a few weeks.
    Feb 3 2010 10:42AM Melanie McGurr: No--just typing
    Feb 3 2010 10:42AM Melanie McGurr: It would be really nice if they did a bulleted list or something.
    Feb 3 2010 10:42AM Lynnette Fields: Do we want to do those now, so we're all in agreement
    Feb 3 2010 10:43AM Melanie McGurr: Sure
    Feb 3 2010 10:43AM Mary Mastraccio: sure
    Feb 3 2010 10:43AM Lynnette Fields: I think my items are: Contact Jenn and Gerry about presenting at annual
    Feb 3 2010 10:44AM Lynnette Fields: Post something on Connect about open positions
    Feb 3 2010 10:44AM Melanie McGurr: Mine are: contact Janis and Bob and make sure I'm signed up for the correct lists.,
    Feb 3 2010 10:44AM Lynnette Fields: Check to see if I am subscribed to comchair
    Feb 3 2010 10:44AM Lynnette Fields: Look at the wiki
    Feb 3 2010 10:44AM Mary Mastraccio: I will get submit the minutes and reports for Midwinter.
    Feb 3 2010 10:44AM Melanie McGurr: Yes, I will look at the wiki also.
    Feb 3 2010 10:45AM Mary Mastraccio: Send Lynnette a paragraph for ACIG Connect re. postions.
    Feb 3 2010 10:45AM Melanie McGurr: I will copy you on my e-mails to Bob and Janis, Lynn, so you know what I am up to!
    Feb 3 2010 10:45AM Lynnette Fields: Do we want to schedule another meeting, or just do email if something comes up?
    Feb 3 2010 10:45AM Melanie McGurr: E-mail is good for now?
    Feb 3 2010 10:45AM Lynnette Fields: Melanie, I will also copy you.
    Feb 3 2010 10:45AM Mary Mastraccio: Perhaps we can do email for now and if something further is needed set up a chat then.
    Feb 3 2010 10:46AM Melanie McGurr: Sounds good to me.
    Feb 3 2010 10:46AM Lynnette Fields: And, Mary if you don't mind I will copy you also, in case I'm doing something wrong.
    Feb 3 2010 10:46AM Mary Mastraccio: Okay. I'm sure you will do fine.
    Feb 3 2010 10:46AM Lynnette Fields: Mary, you didn't know your term would go on forever, did you???
    Feb 3 2010 10:47AM Lynnette Fields: Nice talking to you!! I think we're done.
    Feb 3 2010 10:47AM Lynnette Fields: Oh, I forgot about the archive?
    Feb 3 2010 10:47AM Mary Mastraccio: Oh well, you have along one too. It did make me wonder if I should withdraw my name as candidate for CCS
    Feb 3 2010 10:47AM Melanie McGurr: It was nice talking to you both.
    Feb 3 2010 10:47AM Melanie McGurr: Have a good day.
    Feb 3 2010 10:47AM Mary Mastraccio: Talk to you again sometime.
    Feb 3 2010 10:48AM Melanie McGurr: Let me leave the room really quick to remember how to archive. I'll be right back, Lynn
    Feb 3 2010 10:48AM Lynnette Fields: ok
    Feb 3 2010 10:48AM Lynnette Fields: That was quick!!
    Feb 3 2010 10:49AM Melanie McGurr: Ok--I am back.
    Feb 3 2010 10:49AM Melanie McGurr: Is there a "view old messages" link a the top of your chat?
    Feb 3 2010 10:50AM Lynnette Fields: yes
    Feb 3 2010 10:50AM Melanie McGurr: If you press that, it will take you to another screen. You will still see all of our older messages, grayed out. At the bottom of the page, there should be a
    Feb 3 2010 10:50AM Melanie McGurr: button that says "archive this chat"
    Feb 3 2010 10:50AM Melanie McGurr: Once you archive it, no one else can add to it.
    Feb 3 2010 10:51AM Melanie McGurr: So I will vamoose.
    Feb 3 2010 10:53AM Lynnette Fields: I didn't have a button to archive
    Feb 3 2010 10:55AM Melanie McGurr: Sorry--i was not sure if you could archive it with me in here.
    Feb 3 2010 10:55AM Melanie McGurr: So, I left. Would you like me to do it?
    Feb 3 2010 10:55AM Lynnette Fields: Yes
    Feb 3 2010 10:56AM Melanie McGurr: Ok. Thank you. I can e-mail you a copy of the "minutes" and let you know what I did