Core Authority Control Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides a forum for discussion of a variety of issues related to authority control for online catalogs and for international sharing of authority of data.

This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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CAMMS/LITA/ALCTS Authority Control Interest Group at the 2017 ALA Annual in Chicago

  • 1.  CAMMS/LITA/ALCTS Authority Control Interest Group at the 2017 ALA Annual in Chicago

    Posted Jun 18, 2017 01:25 PM

    Please, join us in this exceptionally interesting INTERNATIONAL session 

    at the 2017 ALA Annual in Chicago

    on Sunday, June 25nd, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, Hilton Chicago, room Continental B.


    María Jesús Morillo Calero, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Departamento de Proceso Técnico

    Opening Doors: Impact of Linked data Project Datos.BNE.ES on Authority Control at the National Library of Spain


    On late November 2014, National Library of Spain released, the new version of a Linked open data-based service, previously launched in 2011. This project has been designed and developed in close partnership with the Ontology Engineering Group from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, a pioneering research group in semantic technologies.

    This service, still in a beta version, has had a twofold goal: continue with the publication of National Library of Spain bibliographic and authority data in RDF under an open license, and to provide the user with an innovative view of its assets, built upon and benefiting from this huge amount of semantic data. These data have been modelled after the FRBR framework, re-arranging the existing data into the model entities, and tracking the main relationships among them. Resources have been described using an ad-hoc BNE ontology, a set of classes and properties linked to many well-known vocabularies.  Entities have been linked to others equivalent from many datasets, and local data have been enriched with third-party information. These basic features provide a solid ground and structure for future developments for users, libraries and other communities to be built upon, and casts interesting challenges for the library to provide new services that have an impact on the daily cataloging and authority control workflows.


    Thurstan Young, Collection Metadata Analyst, British Library

    The British Library's Implementation of Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus terms (LCMPT)


    Music cataloguers at the British Library began using LCMPT in original cataloguing in June 2016. This presentation will outline the reasons for adopting the medium of performance vocabulary and our experience of implementing it. There have been both positive and negative impacts on catalogue data and cataloguing workflows. In particular, the configuration of LCMPT on our library system (Aleph) presented some challenges for authority control, due to the contextual way in which the MARC 382 field works, and a partly manual system of updates has had to be devised. The benefits, however, override this limitation: we retain and extend our ability to use a controlled vocabulary to record voice and instrument terms, comply further with the element-based data recording approach of RDA, and anticipate the exchange of data in future systems. In the course of evaluating FAST as a possible replacement for LCSH, we noted that it contains many terms in common with LCMPT. The two vocabularies serve different purposes and in some situations both may be applicable. 


    Daniela Trunk, German National Library

    Authority Control in German speaking countries: the Integrated Authority File GND


    The Integrated Authority File (= Gemeinsame Normdatei, GND) is mainly and originally used by libraries and increasingly deployed in other cultural heritage organizations in German speaking countries. It is operated cooperatively by the whole community and maintained by the German National Library.


    This presentation will describe the integration of the formerly separate authority files, where different data formats, rules and positions of the descriptive and subject cataloguing points of view were joined.

    The GND data model and data format have a special focus on the linking structure, by describing entities and by designating attributes and relationships to other entities. It is differentiated between the cataloguing and storage format and driven by the data model, some changes and additions to the MARC Authority format were accepted by the MARC community recently, which are to be implemented in autumn 2017. With a high linking density, a URI resolving service and an ontology on its own the GND is visible as a building block of the Linked Data environment. Exemplary impressions of GND usage are shown, and some next steps and plans provide an outlook into the future of the GND.



    Janis Young, Library of Congress

    Updates on the Library of Congress projects