Core Ebooks Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides a regular forum for discussion and to meet at Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings. Core represents a large segment of libraries and can be influential with publishers and vendors to benefit libraries and library users as the ebook landscape evolves. Core welcomes any type of library or library agency, as well as consortia, to join this group.

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Portraits of three Core members with caption Become a Member: Find Your Home: Core.


  • 1.  April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Feb 24, 2021 01:32 PM
    Save the Date!

    Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting
    April 20
    2 to 3:30 pm ET
    1 to 2:30 pm CT
    noon to 1:30 pm MT
    11 to 12:30 pm PT

    If you have proposed agenda items to share, please reach out to Michael or me directly.  We'll share the agenda and connection instructions closer to the event.


    Stephen Spohn (He/Him/His)
    Co-convener, Core Ebooks Interest Group | 978.799.1518 |

  • 2.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Mar 18, 2021 06:04 AM
    Greetings all,

    We wanted to remind everyone about the Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting coming up in April and to begin recruitment for interest group leadership.  See below!

    April 20 Meeting
    2 to 3:30 pm ET / 1 to 2:30 pm CT / noon to 1:30 pm MT / 11 to 12:30 pm PT 

    Please send your proposed agenda items to and  On the agenda so far:

    1. Ebook Update from Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC)

    2. Focus Areas for the Interest Group
    Steve Spohn from Ocean State Libraries (Rhode Island) will share a brief summary of the introductions from the February meeting along and encourage a discussion on potential next steps.  There were 15 introductions highlighting the following focus areas:
    • Licensing models and pricing - 10 votes
    • SimplyE mobile app for ebooks - 6 votes
    • Research and data analysis - 5 votes
    • Curation and the patron experience with digital books - 4 votes  (Arguably related to SimplyE.)
    • Accessibility of digital content and platforms - 3 votes.  (Connect with the efforts of the DAISY Consortium?)
    • Difficult to find digital content - 1 vote
    Given that there are already groups attending to licensing models/pricing and SimplyE with strong connections to this group, it is suggested that we adopt the next two on the list as our focus areas.  We plan to seek volunteers to lead efforts and to plan for a more substantive discussion of accessibility at our autumn meeting.

    3) Legislative Updates

    4) Other Newsworthy Updates from Attendees

    In addition to this meeting, it is also time for us to recruit a new co-convener for the group.  The co-conveners of the Core Ebooks Interest Group serve for two years in staggered terms.  I should be stepping down this year per Core rules.  (I'd suggest that the autumn meeting TBD would be a good time to "pass the baton" to the next co-convener.)  The co-conveners are jointly responsible for planning meetings and helping the group to focus its energies on ebook concerns/ideas/projects.  The group had been meeting twice a year in-person at the ALA Midwinter and Annual conferences.  While meeting at conference will hopefully resume, we've also moved to add two more interim virtual meetings in April and October to keep up the momentum between conferences... so a total of four meetings each year.  If you are interested in serving as a Co-convener of the Core Ebooks Interest Group, please contact Michael Blackwell at

    Warm wishes to you from your Core Ebooks Interest Group Co-Conveners!
    Michael and Steve

    Michael Blackwell, St. Mary's County Library, Maryland
    Stephen Spohn, Ocean State Libraries, Rhode Island

    Stephen Spohn (He/Him/His)
    Co-convener, Core Ebooks Interest Group | 978.799.1518 |

  • 3.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 08, 2021 08:31 PM

    The original ASCGLA group which moved over to CORE was called the "Consortial eBooks Interest Group." In the move from ASCGLA over to CORE, the "consortial" aspect of the group somehow seems to have been lost.


    Was this deliberate, or accidental?


    It is unfortunate, in my view, as the consortial aspect made the group much more focused, a focus which it has now lost, and seems to be trying to regain, through the listing of interest areas that was conducted through the "introductions" process.





    WILL STUIVENGA, Cooperative Projects Manager, Library Development

    Washington State Library | Office of the Secretary of State

    6880 Capitol Blvd SE, Tumwater, Washington

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  • 4.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 09, 2021 08:15 AM

    Hi, Will,


    I don't know.  I've still been calling it the Consortial Ebooks Interest Group.  Alas, that is not the only way I'm behind the times.


    Maybe it was thought the Core Consortial Ebooks Interest Group sounded too alliterative? Maybe someone got tired of the fact that "Consortial" usually triggers a spell check for "Consortia" unless one adds the word to one's online dictionary?


    As long as we are clear that anyone with an interest in library digital content is free to join and participate, fine with me if we put "Consortial" back in .






  • 5.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 19, 2021 06:32 AM
    Hi all,

    Apologies for the late reply! What a time we live in!

    Re: our name. 
    Dropping "consortial" from our name was part of the transfer to Core at their request to make the group more inclusive for all ebook discussions. We certainly began as mostly a group of library consortia and state libraries, but we quickly grew to include many other voices. I'll argue that our discussions were richer because of it. :)

    Re: the focus areas.
    Those are derived from the National Ebook Summit convened by this group at ALA 2018:

    We worked hard to get the Digital Content Pricing for Libraries Working Group off the ground. Then, we were all a bit distracted while ASGCLA began its transition to Core and then COVID... Hoping to pick up the momentum and help us all to harness the amazing talent and energy in this group.


    Stephen Spohn (He/Him/His)
    Co-convener, Core Ebooks Interest Group | 978.799.1518 |

  • 6.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 19, 2021 07:40 AM

    Thanks for clarifying, Steve.


    Hope to "see" all tomorrow!


    Michael Blackwell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


    Topic: CORE Consortial Ebook Interest Group

    Time: Apr 20, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


    Join Zoom Meeting



    Meeting ID: 918 0830 9456

    Passcode: 255020

    One tap mobile

    +13017158592,,91808309456#,,,,*255020# US (Washington DC)

    +12678310333,,91808309456#,,,,*255020# US (Philadelphia)



  • 7.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 19, 2021 09:23 AM
    I have the same concern as Will. I understand the reason CORE would have wanted to include others in the ebooks discussions, but there are issues that only consortia deal with. 

    I'm wondering if there is a possibility of creating a smaller, more focused group under this one that allows consortia to talk among themselves. Of course, a second question would be if there was still enough interest to do this. I'd find it helpful.

    Christine Peterson
    Amigos Library Services

  • 8.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 19, 2021 10:16 AM
    I agree with Will and Christine.  And it's not just this discussion group.  Sadly there is no longer any one place within ALA under which consortia can come together to discuss issues important to us.  And even groups that were promised to continue will take on a different focus such as this group.  So I do hope we can create a smaller group within a group as a place to share and learn from each other.

    Both groups would have value I think.

    Eileen M. Palmer
    Executive Director
    LMxAC Libraries of Middlesex
    NJLA Chapter Councilor

  • 9.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 19, 2021 12:03 PM

    Hi, all,


    My, my, quite the groundswell for consortia.


    I don't doubt anyone's enthusiasm.  It is just the opposite-which makes me worry about setting up a subgroup. Won't people who are interested in digital content issues as they relate to individual libraries also be interested in the Consortial sub-group conversations? Do we really need separate meetings if there is substantial overlap in interests? Rather than multiply meetings or groups, may we treat this whole group as an entity primarily interested in consortial matters. I can't think of many issues ebook that would be of interest to individual libraries but not also consortia. In our responses to the publishers and in some the cases the vendors, in my opinion, we are already too fragmented. May we please not subdivide farther? We can treat this like the Consortial Ebooks Interest Group without a name change.


    Anyone interested in library digital content issues is welcome.  Most of our members are in consortiums and so consortia issues will be a main, even dominant focus.


    It's actually the way it has pretty much been all along.


    Michael "Big Tent" B




  • 10.  RE: April 20 2021 Core Ebooks Interest Group Meeting

    Posted Apr 19, 2021 12:33 PM
    I'm somewhere in the middle on this. I'd love to have a place for library consortia to work together. I participate in ICOLC on behalf of our TexShare and TexQuest consortia, but they aren't as welcoming to consortia outside of higher education as I'd like them to be. There is some activity in the COSLA state library techs and e-resources groups, but again not as much as I'd like, and most of the focus there is exclusively on public libraries.

    For e-books, the notion of "consortial" is a bit of a mess. I don't know what it's like in other states, but in Texas we have at least 10 OverDrive consortia working independently, and there may be more (I stopped tracking a few years back). Where do all the librarians who participate in these consortia go to discuss e-books? 

    And what about the libraries that are too big for these types of consortia? I've argued in the past that a library the size of Houston Public Library is in many ways a consortium unto itself, especially once they start working in cooperation with other libraries (HPL has joint college-public library branches, partnerships with school districts, and a history of managing a consortia of regional public libraries).

    However, when it comes to making meetings manageable, or taking cooperative action, less is more, especially once we return to in-person meetings. We either get rid of the notion of getting to know each other, as we sadly had to do in our most recent online meeting, or we break off into birds-of-a-feather type sub-groups. In reality, any meeting is going to be dominated by a few strong personalities (I admit to being one of these), and splitting up often has the paradoxical effect of allowing more people to participate.

    Let's try another "big tent" meeting tomorrow, and then see. I think they work best when the meeting is presentation-focused rather than discussion-focused, and we might end up with a hybrid model.

    Danielle Cunniff Plumer