Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Provides a forum to educate the library community about ongoing efforts to transition from the MARC Standard for bibliographic data and examines new approaches and strategies for implementing bibliographic data models within the framework of linked open data and semantic web technology.

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This interest group is part of Core's Metadata and Collections Section.

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ALA Core Virtual Interest Group (IG) Week MARC Formats Transition IG Session- 2 pm Central, July 30th, 2021 (Registration link included)

  • 1.  ALA Core Virtual Interest Group (IG) Week MARC Formats Transition IG Session- 2 pm Central, July 30th, 2021 (Registration link included)

    Posted Jul 26, 2021 08:37 AM
    *Please excuse cross-posting​*

    MARC Formats Transition Interest Group is excited to host three distinguished speakers during CORE Interest Group Week! (

    The event will take place Friday, July 30, 2:00-3:00 p.m. CST.

    Register here.

    Wayne Schneider (Senior Engineer, Index Data)
    BIBFRAME/MARC crosswalks: Issues and tools
    Wayne Schneider will talk about Index Data's work with the Library of Congress on MARC-BIBFRAME crosswalks. He will discuss the work done on capturing the mappings and the implementation of a set of open source tools to implement these crosswalks in any system.

    Kyle Banerjee (Senior Implementation Consultant, EBSCO)
    What you need to know for a smooth migration to FOLIO
    Abstract: Migrations are about transitioning data to a new context. Because of differences in how the old and new systems use data, changing to a new library management system (LMS) is normally highly disruptive. However, the process of adapting FOLIO is far more flexible than any other LMS. As a result, you can migrate data usually thought to be unmigratable and quickly make adjustments so you can take advantage of all of FOLIO's functionality right away.

    Laura Daniels (Assistant Director, Metadata Production, Cornell University Library)
    Metadata Management in FOLIO: the Future of Metadata is Open
    This presentation will outline the long-term vision of cataloging/metadata in FOLIO's Inventory app, as well as its current development and how it's being implemented at Cornell University Library.

    We look forward to seeing you in our session!

    Brian Clark and Cindy Tian
    MARC Formats Transition Interest Group Co-chairs