Core Preservation Administration Interest Group

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Purpose: Focuses on both broad and specific preservation issues in libraries. Topics encompass physical collections generally, and occasionally digital preservation issues. We serve academic, public, special, and other types of libraries.

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SAA Preservation Publication Award Subcommittee is seeking nominations

  • 1.  SAA Preservation Publication Award Subcommittee is seeking nominations

    Posted Jan 28, 2022 12:28 PM

    Do you know of an outstanding preservation-related work published in 2021? Would you like to see the author(s) or editor(s) recognized for contributing to preservation and the archives profession?

    Please consider submitting a nomination prior to the deadline of February 28, 2022.

    The nomination form is available at Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="2">, and additional info about the award at Click or tap if you trust this link." data-linkindex="3">


    I encourage you to check out the list of previous winners at the bottom of this page. Past winners have published important works on a wide range of preservation topics, including general archives and electronic records preservation, special media conservation, facilities standards for archives, and emergency preparedness and response.

    And here is some additional information about the award from the SAA website:

    Purpose and Criteria for Selection:

    Established in 1993, this award recognizes and acknowledges the author(s) or editor(s) of an outstanding published work relating to archives preservation and, through this acknowledgement, encourages outstanding achievement by others. The work can be an article, report, chapter, or monograph in an audiovisual, electronic or print format.

    The work must contribute to the advancement of the theory and practice of preservation in archives institutions by introducing new preservation theories, methods, or techniques; by codifying principles and practices of archives preservation; by presenting the results of innovative research on matters related to archives preservation; by investigating preservation issues of current interest and importance to the archives community; or by studying aspects of the history of archives profession.


    Awarded to the author(s) or editor(s) of an outstanding preservation- related work that is of relevance to the North American archives community and published during the preceding calendar year.

    Past 10 years of awardees:

    • 2021:  OSSArcFlow Guide to Documenting Born-Digital Archival Workflows by Alexandra Chassanoff and Colin Post (Educopia Institute, 2020)
    • 2021:  Special Commendation: "What's Wrong with Digital Stewardship: Evaluating the Organization of Digital Preservation Programs from Practitioners' Perspectives" by Karl-Rainer Blumenthal, Peggy Griesinger, Julia Kim, Shira Peltzman, and Vicky Steeves in Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies vol. 7
    • 2020:  Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage by Lisa Elkin and Christopher A. Norris (the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, The American Institute for Conservation, the Smithsonian Institution, and the George Washington University Museum Studies Program, 2019)
    • 2019:  The No-Nonsense Guide to Born-Digital Content by Heather Bowden and Walker Sampson (Facet, 2018)
    • 2018:  The Whole Story: News Agency Photographs in Newspaper Photo Morgue Collections by Laura McCann, American Archivist 80.1 (Spring/Summer 2017)
    • 2017:  Waters Rising: Letters from Florence by Sheila Waters (The Legacy Press, 2016)
    • 2016:  Preserving Our Heritage: Perspectives from Antiquity to the Digital Age by Michele V. Cloonan
    • 2015:  From Theory to Action: "Good Enough" Digital Preservation Solutions for Under-Resourced Cultural Heritage Institutions by the Digital POWRR Team
    • 2015:  Special Commendation: 2015 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship by the  National Digital Stewardship Alliance
    • 2014:   Archivists' Guide to Archiving Video, published by WITNESS
    • 2013:  Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation, edited by Nancy Y. McGovern (volume editor) and Katherine Skinner (series editor)
    • 2012:  Geospatial Multistate Archive and Preservation Partnership (GeoMAPP) Best Practices for Archival Processing for Geospatial Datasets

    Miriam Nelson | Director of the Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, Preservation & Digital Initiatives | OHIO University Libraries | Athens, Ohio | 740.593.0715 | | she/her/hers