Core Project Management Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: A forum where those who are interested in the topic of project management or working in this area can come together to learn and share expertise; explores how libraries and library workers can develop PM skills and apply PM to their organizations.

Portraits of three Core members with caption Become a Member: Find Your Home: Core.


  • 1.  Welcome to the Project Management Interest Group

    Posted Jun 10, 2021 04:44 PM
    Hiya all--

    Welcome to the Project Management Interest Group!  We are happy to have you here to bring together ALA Core members that have an interest in building community around Project Management.

    My name is Kirsten Clark and I am one of the group co-leaders.  Nastia Guimareas is our other co-leader.   To get started we wanted to introduce ourselves.

    Nastia Guimaraes is the Project Management Librarian at Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame. She has worked in the academic library setting for over 20 years. Most of that time she spent in Technical Services until she moved to a full-time project management position seven years ago. Nastia holds a MLIS from IUPUI and a PMP certification from PMI

    Kirsten Clark is the Director of Library Enterprise Systems at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities where she manages staff that oversee library systems shared with all five UMN campuses.  She has worked in libraries in Minnesota, Colorado, and New Mexico in additional areas of government information and access services.  She is currently working on her PMP certification.

    We are excited to get to know more about you too, so we will be posting questions every couple of weeks until we meet at the Virtual IG Week (more info coming soon).  Please respond as you feel like.  To start, please take a moment to introduce yourself by giving your name and institution, and your most interesting project you have ever worked on.  It can be simple or complex, work-related or not.

    My favorite project was as an IMLS Grant Project Manager for Government Information in the 21st Century.  I worked with library staff in the several states to create a train the trainer program for government information.  My home base was in Boulder, Colorado so not only a fun job but a fun place to live for a year!


    Kirsten Clark
    Director, Library Enterprise Systems
    University of Minnesota

  • 2.  RE: Welcome to the Project Management Interest Group

    Posted Jun 11, 2021 09:08 AM
    Hello everyone and welcome to the PMIG! 

    Kirsten and I are very excited to have you join our interest group!

    I think my favorite project was leading a team to prepare approximately 1 million volumes from our library collection for a move to an off-site storage facility. We had a very aggressive timeline that was bound by the upcoming renovation at our library. We also have never done a comprehensive inventory of the collection, so there were a lot of challenges getting items barcoded, cataloged, preserved, etc. I worked harder than I have ever worked in my life, but with the help of an amazing team of people, we were able to meet the deadline, and now our collection is in the best shape it has ever been. 


    Nastia Guimaraes (she/her/hers), MLS, PMP

    Project Management Librarian

    426 Hesburgh Library

    o: 574-631-3558

  • 3.  RE: Welcome to the Project Management Interest Group

    Posted Jun 11, 2021 02:57 PM

    Hello everyone!


      I'm Kelly Sattler and I work for Michigan State University Libraries as the Project Manager for Libraries Strategic Initatives. I officially started in this position this April. I obtained my PMP certification from PMI last September.


      There have been many interesting and challenging projects both at the library and in my previous position working for an electric company. I think I'll choose to highlight the project of moving the Libraries' website from being hosted on a Tomcat server to Drupal. It involved over 2,000 web pages, indexing all of them and assign owners, training the entire library staff on Drupal and coordinating the move of the pages into the new site, managing the development team that built the Drupal instance and customized the theme, all the communication on timelines... it was a HUGE project, but was done on time and with very few issues after launch.




    Kelly Sattler, PMP

    Project Manager for Libraries Strategic Initiatives

    MSU Libraries

    366 W. Circle Drive (#13)

    East Lansing, MI 48824

    twitter: ksattler