Core Publisher-Vendor-Library Relations Interest Group

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Purpose: Provides connectivity between publishers, libraries, and vendors. We strive to bridge gaps in communication among these groups by supplying ongoing training opportunities, hosting discussion groups, and presenting information on current and future trends through ALA programs and eforums.

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PVLR Interest Group Needs the Librarian Perspective at ALA Midwinter

  • 1.  PVLR Interest Group Needs the Librarian Perspective at ALA Midwinter

    Posted Dec 16, 2016 07:39 AM

    Do you have a passion about e-book sustainability for public libraries?
    Would you be interested in sitting on a panel to provide the perspective for
    public libraries?
    Will you be at ALA Midwinter in Atlanta?

    We Need You!

    Title: Defining a Sustainable E-book Model: Questions and Answers about
    Digital Monographs
    Time: Monday, January 23, 8:30am-10:00am
    Location: GWCC B215


    Although national statistics which track e-books trends suggests that sales are decreasing, the development of new e-book business models appears to be on the rise.
    Libraries are struggling to manage a variety of e-book platforms from a vast array of publishers. Purchase options include individual monograph selection, subscription models, usage driven purchases, and e-book collections which have gotten bigger and bigger. Other issues include multiple platforms and access. While publishers and vendors pursue ways to maximize revenue, there has been push back from libraries, which want to get content on an as needed basis. E-books are not as easy to manage, it can be hard for a library to acquire content, and e-book models keeps

    The January 2017 PLVR panel discussion will provide a forum for the discussion about key trends for e-books in libraries. We will address questions about how publishers, vendors and libraries can
    negotiate issues surrounding business models, electronic property rights, print and download limits. How can publishers assure availability and access in the future? What gives everybody the best return on investment? We will also discuss accessibility options: what are the requirements
    for accessibility how should it be built into an e-book platform?


    Rebecca Seger, Director, Institutional Sales, Americas, Oxford University Press
    Michael Bills, EBIS Sales Manager, West, Baker and Taylor

    Send an Email to Lee Sochay,, to be a part of this
    important panel.