Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group

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About this Group

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Purpose: Organizes, moderates, and distributes summaries of virtual and face-to-face discussions on topics of interest to leaders and managers at all levels and types of libraries.

This interest group is part of Core's Leadership and Management Section.

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Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

  • 1.  Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Dec 17, 2019 02:19 PM

    So you've moved into the big chair in the unit director's cube, the library director's office, or the dean's suite?  Have you discovered few peers in your institution for a discussion, some counsel, or just a good shoulder to cry on?  LLAMA has created a discussion group for new directors across all library spaces as a forum to share best practices, to query counterparts at other institutions, and network from the safety of your new corner office.

    If you are interested in joining the discussion as a new director, dean, or upper level manager – or are a more seasoned leader willing to share hard-learned lessons from the management trenches – please visit the ALA Connect page for the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group.

    Introduce yourself and join the discussion. As topics develop, together we'll create a searchable resource of our shared experience.  We'll also seek meetings at ALA conferences, host webinar meetings, and explore ways to support each other as new directors.

    For those attending ALA Midwinter, there will be a casual networking opportunity from 4:30-6:00 on Saturday, January 25, in room 121-C of the Pennsylvania Convention Center.  Stop in and let us know what you need from a group like this.  You can also add a comment below to let us know you will be stopping by!

    Thank you,
    Co-conveners of the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group

    Lusiella Fazzino, eScholarship Repository Librarian, St. John's University
    Lisa Johnson, Director, Orange City Public Library
    Erik Nordberg, Dean of Libraries, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 2.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Dec 28, 2019 12:00 PM
    Hello everyone!

    I'm a somewhat experienced director coming in to share my experiences. But I'm also here to learn as there is always more to learn in leadership. I'm an academic librarian that has worked at a public university, private colleges/universities, and for-profits. I have a MLIS and a Ph.D. in Leadership and worked as a campus library director for three years and currently work as the director of libraries and learning services (student tutoring) for an online for-profit university. Most of my research has been in accessibility, user experience, and leadership and I'm currently working on a paper on leadership styles in academic libraries.

    Daniel Wilson
    Director of Library & Learning Services
    American InterContinental University

  • 3.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:36 AM
    Hello Daniel, and welcome to the group!

    I think it would be interesting for you to start a new discussion thread on leadership styles in libraries. Although you specified academic libraries, I believe it would be of interest to everyone - and likely applicable to any individual's professional journey of self-identiy.

    Glad to have you involved.

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 4.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:59 AM
    Certainly. I'll do that now.

    Daniel Wilson
    Director of Library & Learning Services
    American InterContinental University

  • 5.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Dec 30, 2019 09:44 AM

    Good morning!

    I've been a Director since January 2018, so I'm coming up on my two year anniversary this week. I work at a public library with 43 staff members, and we will be moving into a construction phase this year into next as our bond project to completely renovate (and slightly expand) our 50 year old building goes into effect. I hope to stop in at Midwinter to say hello. Thank you for starting this group - I always welcome new learning opportunities with my peers.


    Lisa Kropp

    Lisa Kropp
    Lindenhurst Memorial Library

  • 6.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:42 AM
    Hello Lisa, and welcome!  You might consider starting a separate thread generally on "library construction projects" to generate discussion from others. Although there are differences between types in our industry - for instance, you mention the "bond" aspect of your work as a public library, whereas the academics have different funding approaches - there is probably a lot of commonality in the processes that would be of general value to everyone.

    Hoping to see you in Philly at the end of the month.  As a reminder, we'll be in room 121-C of the Pennsylvania Convention Center, 4:30-6:00 on Saturday, January 25. 

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 7.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Dec 30, 2019 01:39 PM
    Hi! I have been the director of Westbank Community Library District in Austin, TX, for 7 years now. We have two locations serving a community of 27,000 people, with 28 staff and hundreds of volunteers. As a district, we are self-governing and funded by sales tax.  I am here to learn, and I'm happy to share our experiences with others.

    Mary Jo Finch
    Library Director
    Westbank Community Library District

  • 8.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 01, 2020 08:30 AM
    Good morning & happy new year! I'm Associate Dean for Special Collections at the University of Arkansas. I've been in that role for four months, and am enjoying being part of the senior leadership team at my library. I think this discussion group is a great idea. I spend a lot of time thinking about leadership and management, as part of my practice and research. I share those ideas on my website: <>, if anyone's interested in taking a look. I started getting interested in leadership skill development as I came to understand how often that kind of development is overlooked in academic libraries. I'd be interested to hear from others in this group how they provide skill development opportunities for their colleagues.

    Lori Birrell
    Associate Dean for Special Collections
    University of Arkansas

  • 9.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 02, 2020 08:21 AM
    Hello everyone and Happy New Year! 
    I'm the Associate Director for Reference and Outreach at the main research library in the NY Public Library system.  I've been in a range of management positions for about a decade, each one with a new set of expanded responsibilities and oversight.  I'm eternally restless in trying find a blend of management styles that fit my personality, my staffs needs, and the needs of the organization. Its a constant balancing act and I'm very glad to join a group of colleagues equally interested in developing leadership skills, both for themselves and their teams. 
    Here's to a productive 2020!

    Kate Cordes
    Associate Director | Reference and Outreach
    Humanities & Social Sciences Research Divisions
    New York Public Library

  • 10.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:53 AM
    Hi Kate.  Welcome to the group.  Please be encouraged to start a separate discussion thread to ask a question, share a weblink, or otherwise engage the group in conversation.

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 11.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:50 AM
    Hello Lori:

    Great to have you involved with our group.  If you have the ability to do so, I might suggest that you share some of your leadership articles to the group. You could do this by starting a new thread which poses a question and includes a link; this might help to generate discussion about a given topic in that specific piece. Alternatively - or in addition - you could add a file to our community page under the "Library" tab, where you'll be prompted to "Create A Library Entry."

    Regardless, it is good to have you in the group.


    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 12.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:42 AM
    Hi Mary Jo, and welcome to the group!

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 13.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Dec 30, 2019 05:16 PM

    I hope it is ok that I've joined as I am not yet a director but am moving towards that goal in 2020. I am the head librarian managing the library at Denver Botanic Gardens since 2014. I have quite a bit of autonomy in my work. I manage a staff of 3 FT librarians, 8 on call librarians, and a number of volunteers. I many of the responsibilities of a Director but without the official title. The administrative structure of the Gardens doesn't align with my role and responsibilities. That (hopefully) is set to change in the new year when our library moves into a new larger space. I have the support of my boss (Director of Education) and the CEO. Our potential for growth is expanding with this move. I am being set up to support and guide this growth in 2020 and beyond. I hope to learn from all of you as I begin this effort.

    Thank you!

    Allaina Wallace
    Head Librarian
    Helen Fowler Library
    Denver Botanic Gardens

  • 14.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:56 AM
    Of course you're welcome here, Allaina!  We are taking an open approach to the concept of "new directors" here, as people continue to experience changes - and expansion - in their roles throughout their careers.  It sounds like you have many changes coming this year, including a new space and potentially enlarged responsibilities.
    Welcome to our community, and feel free to start a new discussion thread on a specific topic whenever you need folks' input.

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 15.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 02, 2020 08:50 AM
    Hi everyone! 
    I am very new to being a director and it was a huge jump in responsibility for me.  This past July I became director of the Henry Birnbaum Library on Pace University's New York City campus.  I have worked at this library for 8 years, most of the time as First Year Outreach Services Librarian, then one year as Graduate Services Librarian before being promoted to director.  I'm really excited for this discussion group because I have so much to learn.  Prior to becoming director I had never managed or had any supervisory responsibilities.  I'm lucky to have an excellent, supportive mentor here, but I am so looking forward to hearing others' experiences and learning from you all.

    Jennifer Rosenstein
    Director, Henry Birnbaum Library 
    Pace University

    Jennifer Rosenstein
    First Year Outreach Services Librarian
    Pace University

  • 16.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 12:00 PM
    Hello Jennifer and congratulations on your new position!  Although it hasn't been a full 12 months, the fact that we've passed January 1 means that you can say you're "in your 2nd year" already!

    I'm going to start a discussion thread on the subject of mentors and hope you'll chime in. 

    Welcome to the group!

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 17.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 02, 2020 11:24 AM
    Hi everyone, and happy New Year! I'm the Library Director at the University of Arizona Poetry Center, a special-collections library dedicated to contemporary poetry. (Like most of the staff here, I'm also a working poet--my first collection, titled Ganbatte, is just out from the University of Wisconsin Press.) I'm very new to management, having moved into my current role when my mentor moved out of state in the summer of 2018, and I'm very much looking forward to learning from all of you. I have worked at the Poetry Center for nine years, first in paraprofessional roles, then as Instruction and Outreach Librarian, now as Library Director. Our library team is small but mighty--I supervise a library assistant and a library specialist, and between the three of us we do acquisitions, original and copy-cataloging, reference, exhibitions, and programs. I also oversee strategy, budget, and grantwriting. I'm particularly interested in comparing notes with folks in similarly small or specialized libraries, though I'm always fascinated and inspired by the ideas that come from larger libraries as well! I wish you all the very best in 2020!

    Sarah Kortemeier
    Library Director
    University of Arizona Poetry Center

  • 18.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 02, 2020 11:59 AM
    Hi Sarah,
    It sounds like we are in very similar situations in our special libraries. I am responsible for the mission and vision of the library, hiring and sustaining staff, budget, acquisitions, vendor relations, and strategy. I have great support from my boss but he isn't a librarian. There are four of us regularly scheduled in the library and are also responsible for the day-to-day public service activities and back of house activities. It is challenging especially now that we are moving into a library that is almost 3 times the size of our old library. We have so much potential! it's going to be fun figuring it all out. The timing of this group is quite perfect for me.

    Allaina Wallace
    Head Librarian
    Helen Fowler Library
    Denver Botanic Gardens

  • 19.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 02, 2020 12:46 PM
    Hi Allaina, 
    Yes, I think our situations sound very similar! We moved into our larger facility/permanent home in 2007, and have been growing into the space ever since. We were able to add 1 FTE to the library staff in 2015, which has been crucial and transformative: prior, we had been attempting to staff the library with 2 FTE and an army of volunteers, which proved to be unsustainable over the long term. Support from our supervisors and non-librarian colleagues is also crucial for us in so many ways. I'll be so interested to follow you as you move into this expansion, and am always happy to chat about specifics we've learned along the way! The timing of this group is wonderful for me as well. I'm still figuring out where we'll go and how we'll get there...
    Sarah K

    Sarah Kortemeier
    Library Director
    University of Arizona Poetry Center

  • 20.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 02:01 PM
    Hello Sarah, glad you could join us here.

    I'm pleased to see so many special collections people here, as that is my background, too. Sometimes small is indeed mighty, allowing you to have a management and leadership role in many aspects of your unit's work. I started as a lone arranger in the mid-90s (well, maybe not completely alone as I did have two support staff), but built up our program with grant-funded positions and, eventually, a centrally-funded professional position.  I'm sure that you'll have a staff of dozens before long!

    Glad to have you in our group!

    P.S. Is Erika Castaño still at UA?  She and I were in the inaugural cohort of the Archives Leadership Institute last century...

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 21.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 02:57 PM
    Hi Erik,
    Thanks for the warm welcome! You're right--with a small staff, we all do a little bit of everything, and there are so many opportunities to learn. It's neat to be a generalist (in terms of library operations) and a specialist (in terms of the materials we collect) at the same time...
    It would be interesting to think about what we could do with grant funding for additional positions, and whether we could build those into permanent positions as you did. We rely on grants (as well as private fundraising) for many of our programming and preservation initiatives, and in some ways it's nice to be able to focus our grantwriting there. But I do wonder about what we could do with and for a grant-funded project archivist, to cite one example. 
    Erika is indeed still here at the UA. I don't know her well, but we've met, and I'm continually grateful for all my colleagues in the Main Library system here at the UA--everyone is so collegial and collaborative, and so very expert in what they do!

    Sarah Kortemeier
    Library Director
    University of Arizona Poetry Center

  • 22.  RE: Welcome to the LLAMA New Directors Discussion Group!

    Posted Jan 02, 2020 11:33 AM
    I suppose it would help if I were to introduce myself, too.  I am an archivist by training, receiving my MSLS and grad certificate in Archival Administration from Wayne State University in 1993.  I worked a hybrid archives/reference job at IU South Bend, then spent 18 years at Michigan Technological University in Michigan's beautiful (and snowy) Upper Peninsula. During my time there, we expanded their regional manuscript collection to include outreach and public history programming, and I became more involved in grant writing, management, and administration. I did a number of interim stints as head of Reference, Gov Docs, and as Library Director during leadership transitions. In 2013 I went to Lansing as executive director of the Michigan Humanities Council for two years, but was lured back into academic libraries as director of the Reuther Library, the large, standalone archives at Wayne State University.  While I was there I completed my PhD, took on larger projects across the library system and campus, ultimately taking an interim appointment as Assistant Dean of Libraries. In May 2019, I began my current work as Dean of Libraries at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, about an hour east of Pittsburgh.  We have 10,000 students, primarily undergraduate, but with robust masters and doctoral programs. I oversee a faculty and staff of 31 people, and our librarians are considered full faculty on equal par with our teaching and research faculty in the colleges. We have a main library in the center of campus, a music library in another building, and smaller library functions at three regional campuses. IUP is one of 14 schools in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) which are mostly former normal schools and operate  as a system separate from the larger research universities in PA. So I have leadership roles inside our library, with my peers across campus, and with other library deans and directors across the region.

    While I have been in administrative, management, and leadership roles in these various positions, I am always listening and learning knew ways to be a more effective director/manager/leader. There is always an element of the imposter syndrome at play, especially as you begin new roles or start at new institutions. Like others have stated, there are elements of each day where I feel like a "new director" so don't let the blurb above fool you.

    When I heard that LLAMA was looking for folks to help start this discussion group, it seemed like an ideal way to build a virtual support network.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!


    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania