Core Library Leaders and Managers Interest Group

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Purpose: Organizes, moderates, and distributes summaries of virtual and face-to-face discussions on topics of interest to leaders and managers at all levels and types of libraries.

This interest group is part of Core's Leadership and Management Section.

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  • 1.  Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 02, 2020 08:53 AM
    Love this new discussion group! I'm the director of a 4-branch public library system in Botetourt County, VA (population 33,000), and I also serve as branch manager of the headquarters branch. I've been in the role since June 2019, so I'm still figuring out how to use my time most effectively. I'd be interested to hear from public library directors who also fill dual roles as director and branch manager. How do you juggle the two roles satisfactorily?

    Julie Phillips
    Library Director
    Botetourt County Libraries

  • 2.  RE: Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 06, 2020 11:34 AM
    Hello Julie, and welcome to the group!

    Although I'm in an academic library setting, our institution actually has 4 locations and a variety of virtual services.  When you say that you are 'director' of the entire system, but also 'manager' of one of the branches (albeit, the HQ unit), what do the two roles entail?

    I'm guessing that what you are struggling with -- in addition to doing 2 jobs, and probably only getting paid for 1 -- is the challenge of blending the doing, managing, and leading roles of each.  There is a point at which an individual stops "doing" hands-on library work, and begins "managing" others who do the work. At some point, one takes on "leadership" roles, too. Although leadership happens at various levels, when you move into a director's role there is more expectation for vision, planning, interaction with peers at a higher level, external engagement, and resource development (budgets, grant writing, fund development with corporations, foundations, and philanthropic donors). One of the problems in our library settings, regardless of type, is that the "doing" and "managing" portions can consume all of your time, leaving little space for the higher-level "leadership" activities. 

    In my case, when I started in my current position I had 2 assistant deans, each with particular assignments which included aspects of the manager role (as well as some specific areas they were doing things with, too).  That helped create space for me to work on building trust relationships, working on strategic planning, an a number of other key things I needed to accomplish as a new leader.  Sadly, one of the two has since left for a new job out of state and we are not likely to fill the line due to budget.  This will impact our operations, obviously, pushing more manager stuff into my day-to-day activities.

    Is there any chance that you can create a manager or assistant director position to manage the HQ branch?  Or maybe even empower or elevate one of its unit heads to take on some of the more routine manager tasks?

    Ultimately, the lack of some additional administrative staffing will provide ongoing challenges for your institution.  Not to mention your sanity.

    Erik Nordberg
    Dean of Libraries
    Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • 3.  RE: Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 07, 2020 03:07 PM
    Hi, Julie,

    I've been in my role exactly one year and 5 days. My library system has three physical branches plus a Bookmobile and a Reader Van. I struggled with the dual role personally. Our main library has three department managers and it was challenging to make time to work with those managers one on one plus the other department heads that I was responsible for.

    Ultimately I was able to create a branch manager position for the main library and it has helped me immensely. I'm able to delegate some things to the branch manager and I have been able to take a step back from day to day branch operations. I made it about 9 months doing double duty before realizing I just couldn't make it happen.

    Ashley Teagle
    Executive Director
    Wicomico Public Libraries

  • 4.  RE: Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 07, 2020 03:43 PM
    Great to know I'm not the only one who struggles with a dual role! I'm glad you finally got a branch manager to take that part off your plate. I'm definitely feeling like I need to clone myself or . . . something. It's a definite challenge to take care of the day-to-day branch minutiae while trying to connect with organizations, focus on higher-level strategy and keep up with what's happening at all the other branches and Bookmobile. I've requested a branch manager in next year's budget, so here's hoping that suggestion will be approved! In the meantime, I have the opportunity to learn how to increase my efficiency and time management skills, right?

    Julie Phillips
    Library Director
    Botetourt County Libraries

  • 5.  RE: Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 08, 2020 07:53 AM
    Absolutely! What doesn't kill you (or drive you insane) makes you stronger right? 

    I also loved Mary Jo's comment about thinking about how to restructure the Library overall as well. At times I do feel like I'm making the best of an organizational structure that was handed down to me. Right now I'm doing my best to think about what positions we might need to fill and I'm pitching them to the county this year to see what we can get funded.

    Ashley Teagle
    Executive Director
    Wicomico Public Libraries

  • 6.  RE: Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 07, 2020 03:37 PM
    Thanks, Erik! You hit the nail on the head - the two roles definitely require different priorities and activities, and the "management" side has a way of just taking over my day no matter how hard I try to focus on the "director" aspects. The previous library director focused almost entirely on management, which meant that all four branches functioned as independent units. The current administration (County & Board) want the director to focus on leadership at that higher level instead. I did include a branch manager in this year's budget requests, but I need to be prepared in case it's not approved. In the meantime, I'm trying to delegate as much as possible!

    Julie Phillips
    Library Director
    Botetourt County Libraries

  • 7.  RE: Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 07, 2020 03:48 PM
    When I first started as Director (promoted from branch manager of our second location), I hired a new branch manager. The two of us have grown a healthy partnership over the last 7 years for running our two locations (she now has the title Associate Director).

    We office at different locations and have general oversight of our respective library, but we share oversight of the entirety of operations. Her focus is more front end (public service, programs, PR, plus HR) and mine is more back end (admin, facilities, tech, collections), but we meet regularly to discuss the entirety of it.

    Our staff works in teams (public service, programs/PR, technology, facilities, collections, and administration) and each team has a manager. So instead of managing by location, we manage by area of responsibility. Most of our staff is on more that one team, and almost everyone works at both locations.

    Give it some time, but consider that you may need to reorganize your team to give yourself the space you need for administrative work (not necessarily the way we organized at our libraries, but some other way that works for you). And you might keep an eye out for someone who you can share some of the overall responsibility with. It's like having a second brain!

    Mary Jo Finch
    Library Director
    Westbank Community Library District

  • 8.  RE: Dual library director/branch manager role - anyone else?

    Posted Jan 07, 2020 04:36 PM

    Thank you, Mary Jo! I love how you creatively reorganized to divvy up responsibilities in teams; that has to be a great way to increase consistency across locations. I'd seriously like to look at a model similar to that here! I have to admit, I miss my assistant manager from my previous job as a branch manager – we complemented each other's strengths well, and she was my right arm (and as you said, a second brain!). I'm still getting to know my current team and their strengths, so I'll be especially on the lookout to delegate responsibilities that aren't on my "director has to do this" list. I'm grateful for my cataloger, who took the branch collection development responsibilities off my plate already!

    Julie Phillips
    Library Director
    Botetourt County Libraries