Core Library Storage Interest Group

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About this Group

👐 Anyone can view all content in the group, but only people who join it can post to it. Anyone can join to participate.

Purpose: Provides a forum for exchanging ideas on the planning, design, development, operation, management, and/or dismantling of library collection storage.

Related Groups:

This interest group is part of Core's Buildings and Operations Section.

Portraits of three Core members with caption Become a Member: Find Your Home: Core.


  • 1.  Welcome!

    Posted Sep 13, 2021 12:56 PM
    Hi all,

    Welcome to the Core Library Storage Interest Group! I hope this can become a more active place to ask questions, start discussions, and collaborate with library storage colleagues. 

    If you'd like, please take a moment to introduce yourself to the group so we can start to get a feel for who we are.

    I am Jenny, interest group chair and Collection Management Librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My unit oversees large, library-wide collection management projects, as well as management of our library's high density storage facility and our participation in our consortium's shared print repository (BTAA SPR). I hope to gain a better understanding of how other facilities are similar or different, and maybe borrow from others' great ideas!

    Warm wishes,
    IG chair

    Jennifer Maddox Abbott
    Collection Management Librarian
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • 2.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 13, 2021 01:58 PM

    Hello everyone!


    I'm Charlotte. I'm the Research Collection Coordinator (aka the Library Storage Librarian) at the University of Pittsburgh. I do strategic planning, collection maintenance, project planning for our offsite facility. I'm excited to see whether we can fill the hole the retirement of lama-storage left behind, and look forward to bouncing ideas off of folks.


    (By the way Jenny, I enjoyed reading your articles from last year!)





    Charlotte M. Johnson (she/her) | @liber_aesthete

    Research Collection Coordinator, ULS Thomas Blvd

    University Library System

    University of Pittsburgh


    --I'm voting "United Steelworkers" in Union of Pitt Faculty Election!--


  • 3.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 13, 2021 02:44 PM
    Hi everyone, 

    My name's Chris.  I'm the supervisor for the Penn State University Libraries Annex.  I oversee daily Annex operations including circulation and interlibrary loan, record maintenance, and a courier service we provide to both PSU's Special Collections Library and the Records Center.  I look forward to the sharing of information and ideas that I saw on the lama listserv.

    Chris Herlein
    Supervisor Annex
    Penn State University Libraries

  • 4.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 13, 2021 03:05 PM

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Jill Friedmann and I'm an assistant dean at Cline Library, Northern Arizona University. Part of my job is to manage all things related to our building. As the only library at NAU, we serve students and faculty on our mountain campus in Flagstaff and multiple sites across the state. We just completed a master space plan and I'm looking forward to hearing about storage solutions that are working well and not so well as we move into planning discussions for a future renovation.

    I look forward to meeting all of you on zoom and eventually in person.



    Jill Friedmann (she/her/hers)

    Assistant Dean | Interim Department Head: Content, Discovery, and Delivery Services

    Cline Library

    o: 928.523.3253 | c: 928.600.9131

    Pronouns: She, Her



    Northern Arizona University sits at the base of the San Francisco Peaks, on homelands sacred to Native Americans throughout the region. We honor their past, present, and future generations, who have lived here for millennia and will forever call this place home. 


  • 5.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 14, 2021 07:14 AM

    Hello all,


    I am the Executive Director of ReCAP, a relatively small (by number of Partners) consortium that has a relatively large (16.7 million volume), shared storage facility. Also of possible interest, we have an open source middleware that we developed to facilitate sharing between the Partners.


    Thanks Jenny for getting this moving!




    Ian Bogus

    Executive Director

    Research Collections and Preservation Consortium (ReCAP)

    400 Forrestal Road

    Princeton, NJ 08540

    T. 609.258.1517

    F. 609.258.7633

    Pronouns: he, him, his


  • 6.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 22, 2021 01:06 PM
    Hi Jenny and all,

    Thanks for breathing new life into this group, Jenny! I am the Chair of the Ivies Plus Libraries Confederation's High Density Storage Affinity Group (that's a mouthful!), and we were only recently discussing how we might be able to network with other library storage groups so this is fantastic timing.

    Looking forward to sharing with the group!


    Tom Bruno (he, him, his)
    Director of Access Services

    Van Pelt Library
    University of Pennsylvania
    3420 Walnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206

  • 7.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 23, 2021 05:19 AM

    Hello everyone,


    To continue the introductions, I am Kees Edelman, and I'm in charge of the Library Services division for Clancy Relocation and Logistics.  We operate the Tri State Depository, which is a Harvard Style High Density Facility in Putnam County, NY and we service the greater New York City region from there. We are currently at 5+ million items. We're a little different in that we are a private company that stores collections for multiple clients, so there is a much lower threshold to join our depository.  


    I've been relocating libraries for the 30+ years, including many load-ins to HD systems, and I am happy to provide any insight on any of our experiences that might be helpful to other members. Personally, I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone in person again at a future ALA meeting. 





    Kees Edelman
    President, Library Services Division
    Clancy Relocation and Logistics, Inc.

    Tri State Depository
    2963 Route 22
    Patterson, NY 12563
    800.836.0331 Main
    718.514.6703 Direct
    646.772.7959 Cell


  • 8.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 23, 2021 07:45 AM
    Good morning -- 
    I am Katia Strieck. I am the Head of Metadata Services as well as the Interim Director of LIBRA (Library Research Annex) at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries. I've been in the LIBRA position for about 19 months -- something the pandemic and I share in common.  Needless to say it was a challenge to start in the position and only be onsite for a month before we were all sent home! As I am new to the world of library storage facilities, I am looking forward to learning from this group and have a sounding board to bounce ideas off of and ask for advice. Our big project right now is the implementation of CaiaSoft as our storage management system. 

    best, Katia 

    Katia Strieck
    Director (interim), LIBRA
    Head, Metadata Services
    University of Pennsylvania Libraries
    3420 Walnut St., Philadelphia, 19104
    215.475.2225 (voice & text)

    Katia Strieck
    University of Pennsylvania

  • 9.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Sep 24, 2021 11:19 AM
    Hello all!

    I'm Maggie, Library Annex Coordinator (aka storage librarian) at the University of Iowa's Harvard-style offsite storage facility. There's one other full-time staff member out here, and the delivery van for all the campus libraries is based out of our facility. Day-to-day, we do item pulls and scan material for ILL, as well as work on active ingestion and withdrawal/backfill projects. 

    Jenny, I'm very grateful to BTAA SPR for taking so much material off my hands!

    Margaret Halterman-Dess
    Library Annex Coordinator
    University of Iowa Libraries

  • 10.  RE: Welcome!

    Posted Nov 04, 2021 11:41 AM
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Tammy Hennig and I am the Shared Collections Facility Supervisor at Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC).

    I oversee daily storage operation which includes material requests, processing new materials, courier service, managing records, facilitating transfers of new materials between WRLC and WRLC libraries and work on various clean-up projects.

    Looking forward to reading questions, replies, ideas, etc. in this group!


    Tammy Hennig
    Shared Collections Supervisor
    Washington Research Library Consortium