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  • 1.  Two draft resolutions on the "Illegal aliens" LCSH

    Posted Jun 22, 2021 02:37 PM
    I have read that the Core president does not support these resolutions, and I can't find any discussion of this topic on the Core Connect space. Do members of this group have opinions? I personally agree with the resolution that "Illegal Aliens" is harmful and should be retired from LCSH use. I would love to hear arguments against this position.

    Rebecca Moorman
    Head, Technical Services
    University of Alaska Anchorage


    Hello All,
    I hope this email finds you well! I'm writing today because of two draft resolutions I received from members of SALALM and REFORMA. We hope these resolutions will go before ALA Council at this year's meeting. We invite any comments or questions.
    Resolution 1: Resolution on Replacing the Library of Congress Subject Heading Illegal Aliens Without Further Delay:

    Resolution 2: Resolution on Greater Transparency in Library of Congress Subject Headings:

    We would rejoice if the Library of Congress announced a change to the LCSH in advance of or during the Annual meeting, in which case we would no longer put forward Resolution 1. However, if this does not happen, we want to be ready with this. As for Resolution 2, the issue around this LCSH has exposed problems with the subject heading process, so this will likely be put forward regardless of any surprise announcement.
    Saludos, RCD
    Roberto C. Delgadillo, MLIS, PhD (History) Student Services Librarian/Arts & Humanities University Library 100 North West Quad University of California, Davis Davis, CA 95616 Phone: 530-219-6688 Email:
    I am working remotely, but available to assist you with your research needs.

    We should take a moment to acknowledge the land on which UC Davis physically sits. For thousands of years, this land has been the home of Patwin people. Today, there are three federally recognized Patwin tribes: Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community, Kletsel Dehe Wintun Nation, and Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation. Indigenous histories and perspectives inform my work.

    Rebecca Moorman
    Head, Technical Services
    University of Alaska Anchorage

  • 2.  RE: Two draft resolutions on the "Illegal aliens" LCSH

    Posted Jun 22, 2021 03:19 PM
    Edited by Lindsay Cronk Jun 22, 2021 04:25 PM
    Hi, Rebecca! As grateful as I am for his volunteer service to the division,  John DeSantis does not speak for Core Leadership.  It is premature to assert a position. We're reviewing the resolutions currently with input from the Subject Analysis Committee and Public Policy and Advocacy Office.  We're also planning to discuss them in the upcoming Core Board meeting. 

    Certainly, as evidenced by past support for the previous efforts and our mission, Core stands with all who work to address long-standing issues of oppression, racism, and bias in libraries generally and in description and collections specifically. We are all eager for member input and discussion on this topic!

    I want to add that I have been so impressed by the work of many talented volunteers grappling with the logistical barriers and practical challenges to doing what's right here.  My sincere thanks to all our member leaders in this area!

    Lindsay Cronk
    Core President-Elect, ALA Councilor-at-large, Loud Lady
    Assistant Dean, Scholarly Resources and Curation
    University of Rochester

  • 3.  RE: Two draft resolutions on the "Illegal aliens" LCSH

    Posted Jun 22, 2021 03:58 PM

    Hi Rebecca, 

    Thanks so much for starting the conversation here! I'm one of the coauthors of these resolutions (the others are Tina Gross and Jill Baron, who have both been closely involved in this process since the very beginning-Jill is one of the creators of the "Change the Subject" film). I'm the chair of the SAC Working Group on Alternatives to LCSH "Illegal aliens". 

    We're very lucky that everyone in this discussion believes that removing that offensive terminology is the right thing to do. We're mostly disagreeing about the strategies we should take to get this heading revised at the Library of Congress. The ALA Washington Office recommends continuing to take a very cautious approach as they continue their behind the scenes efforts to ensure that LC has the freedom to revise headings without political interference. While the authors of these resolutions respect that work and the expertise of the ALA Washington Office, we believe that this is the right time for LC leadership to make this change. Congressional staff have recently advised LC administration that they are no longer bound to maintain the old wording. Therefore, the authors of the resolutions would like to see LC leadership take the initiative to make this revision now. 

    I will echo Lindsay's comments in saying that I welcome any questions people have on these resolutions or the status of these headings. I'm happy to share what I know.

    Violet Fox 
    metadata librarian

  • 4.  RE: Two draft resolutions on the "Illegal aliens" LCSH

    Posted Jun 22, 2021 08:00 PM

    Just wanted to chime in and echo Lindsay's comments. Core (and ALCTS before it) supports the effort to change this terminology 100% and will do all it can to advance it. Violet is right on target in highlighting that the main points of discussion are around strategy. I am particularly proud that, despite all the roadblocks, SAC/Core/ALA have persevered, including through groups like the one Violet valiantly chairs, and have never lost sight of the critically important end goal. Some of us are cautiously optimistic that having a new federal administration in place has the chance to change the dynamic of the conversation, but only a few months into the new government, it's still early days to see proof in the pudding. In the meantime, many other avenues for advocacy could be at our disposal. I look forward to hearing all the discussion that takes place during the course of Annual, including around how Core can continue to leverage the expertise and the conviction of its heroic volunteer members in these efforts. 


    Christopher Cronin
    Core President, 2020-2021

  • 5.  RE: Two draft resolutions on the "Illegal aliens" LCSH

    Posted Jun 23, 2021 11:21 AM
    Thanks for the background, all!

    I appreciate that all of us are in agreement that harmful terminology in LCSH needs to change, and different strategies are at work to make that happen. I am hopeful that progress is swift, and the Council sessions at Annual are productive.


    Rebecca Moorman
    Head, Technical Services
    University of Alaska Anchorage

  • 6.  RE: Two draft resolutions on the "Illegal aliens" LCSH

    Posted Jun 23, 2021 06:24 AM
    I agree that the use of "illegal aliens" is harmful.

    It equates undocumented immigrants with extraterrestrial beings,and "illegal" implies that they did something wrong while in reality, it can sometimes be impossible for immigrants to procure the necessary documents due to bureaucracy.

    "Undocumented immigrants" is a better term. 

    Maybe we should even just use the broader term "immigrants" until "undocumented immigrants" becomes an authorized term.

    Adding local subject headings is also a good idea.

    Hope this helps!


    Elizabeth Boniface